Explore how film constructs meaning through a variety of elements (camera angles, mise-en-scene, framing, editing, etc.).

SCENE ANALYSIS PAPER (2-3 pages (double-spaced) + list of terms used; due Tuesday Sept 29)
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RSSS 150 Sence analysis
the movie will be in content or UA tool -panopto

Objective: The purpose of this assignment is to explore how film constructs meaning through a variety of elements (camera angles, mise-en-scene, framing, editing, etc.).
Soviet Union / Russia – Grigorii Aleksandrov – 1936 – Circus (color, 90 min)
Assignment: Write a thesis-driven essay in which you examine ONE of the assigned scenes from either of the following films viewed in class: Circus (from the 17:22 mark to 21:12) OR Wings (from the 44:18 mark to 49:00) OR Wings (from the 58:49 mark to 1:03:28).
Briefly describe the action or context of the entire scene in no more than 150 words. The majority of your paper should be an analysis of any key elements camera angles, lighting, setting, dialogue (or inter-titles), music or other sounds, clothing, facial expressions and gestures, representations of culture, gender, race / ethnicity, ideology or class which make your chosen scene especially significant, both in isolation and in terms of the overall movie. Anything that you write about your scene must support the central argument in your paper (which is your thesis).
Added on 05.11.2015 15:14
Suggestions for beginning the paper: After choosing which film you want to write on, watch the assigned scene once for a general impression of the scene.yi 0.5 What is the initial impact of the scene on you?yi 0.5 How does the scene help to set the tone for the film?yi 0.5 How does it fit into the overall scope of the film?yi 0.5 Does the scene show us something that we have not seen in the film before?yi 0.5 Is it a scene integral to the plot or characterization?yi 0.5
yi 0.5 Next, re-watch the scene, taking notes as you watch. Pay close attention to everything that happens in the scene.yi 0.5 yi 0.5 Note camera angles, shots, lighting, sound, narrative, etc.yi 0.5 All of these elements will help you to analyze the scene and interpret how film constructs meaning by both traditional and non-traditional methods.yi 0.5 Once you have identified the various elements used, then you can begin to examine the scene as an opportunity for analysis.yi 0.5 yi 0.5
Finally, figure out what the overall impact and / or message of the scene is.yi 0.5 As you consider this, you will want to think about the events that transpire in your scene.yi 0.5 How does the film construct meaning beyond the actions and words of the characters in the film?yi 0.5 What film techniques do you see employed in this scene, and how do they help elucidate the characters or events in the scene?yi 0.5 Is there anything in the scene that draws your attention to the filmic apparatus?yi 0.5 How does all of this affect your understanding of the scene?yi 0.5
When you write, your thesis should point out what you think the overall meaning and / or impact of the scene is.yi 0.5 It should be organized in a logical manner.yi 0.5 Remember, you do not have to examine everything in your scene.yi 0.5 You only have to discuss those portions of the scene that are the most relevant to however you are interpreting the scene.yi 0.5 yi 0.5 yi 0.5
You can find one model outline of a scene analysis paper at: http://cmlt214.wordpress.com/2009/03/09/model-scene-analysis-paper-outline/

Criteria for Evaluation: Your scene analysis should be typed, 2-3 pages (it should be at least 2 full pages), double-spaced, one inch margins (top, bottom, left, right), Calibri 11 or Times New Roman 12 font, and stapled; be sure to spell- and grammar-check your paper. You should turn in a hard copy of your paper in class on Tuesday September 29. Include your name, but do not put your student ID number on the paper.
Your scene analysis must utilize the specific terminology associated with the construction and composition of a film; check http://classes.yale.edu/film-analysis/ for some of the key terms. On a separate sheet at the end of your paper you are required to include a glossary that describes, in your own words, the concepts & terms utilized in your essay.yi 0.5 It is like a \”Works Cited\” page, but it should instead be called a \”Terminology Utilized\” page.yi 0.5 This page will not count in your final page count for your essay.yi 0.5 yi 0.5
Papers will be graded based on content, clarity, and the fulfillment of the parameters of the assignment. See the Paper Grading Sheet in the Paper Guidelines module on the d2l Content page for things the graders will be looking for in your paper.

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