Film Marketing Portfolio

Conduct an analysis of the marketing campaign surrounding a film of your choice – Patterns of comsuption, life and cultures. Would you buy clothes after watching Sex and City or the trailer? What are the marketed to Adults/Children/Teenager?

1. Select a film marketing campaign that you consider to be appropriate for analysis in relation to the aims and objectives of the module

2. You should examine the associated patterms of consumption and reception

3. Consider who the target audience for the film is and how this is manifest in the promotional materials in circulation (NB: your chosen film may target multiple audiences in different ways)

4. Contextualise your analysis in relation to the debates introduced in the module or that you have encountered in your wider reading or thinking about film culture – Exhibition, marketing genre, marketing champaign, different from proposal

5. Identify both primary and secondary materials that will enable you to apply your theoretical understanding to the analysis of your chosen film marketing campaign – Must reference online articles

6. Conduct your analysis

7. Write up your research report in an appropriate form with reference to the question/s explored, and the theoretical themes that you have examined. Your work must show evidence of the detailed analysis of both primary and secondary materials – Promotion champaign presuade audience to buy? Not TV, just film. Include all images that you are analyse.

– Your analysis should be between 2000-2500 words in length.
– Your analysis should be appropriately referenced and contain a bibliography.
– It should be double-spaced.
– In your appendix, you should also include copies of any relevant primary documents used in your analysis (e.g. copies of any marketing and promotional materials, magazine articles etc.)

Marking Scheme
– Presentation of Information: Focus of topic, clarity of expression, organisation and structure; use of report format and scholarly conventions.
– Evidence of depth and breadth of primary and secondary research: Use of available primary and secondary sources, selection of relevant materials
– Theoretical Reflection: Selection and use of relevant concepts and theories to illustrate, enhance understanding and insight into specific subject/context selected for study.
– Evaluation: Clarity of argument and demonstration of ability to draw scholarly conclusions, based upon research conducted.

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