form and content

a world of art, edition six, henry Sayre

Writing Assignment Guidelines
Select two works of art in the textbook that have formal qualities you find interesting. Describe the formal qualities of each work of art, and explain how these formal qualities are related to the content, or meaning of each work. Include the title of each work, the artist who created it, and the page number on which it appears in the textbook. Your essay should be at least 750 words.

Assessment criteria
In assessing your writing assignment, I will be looking for evidence that you understand and are able to apply the central concepts that are covered in this lesson. The criteria I will use to grade your assignment are:

❑ You thoroughly discuss two works of art. Select only two works of art. Two examples, thoroughly analyzed, will better demonstrate an understanding of the concepts covered in the assignment than a larger number of examples that are superficially discussed.
❑ It is okay to select works from any place in the textbook, including the chapters you read for this lesson.
❑ Your essay focuses on formal aspects of each work you select. Describe the way each selected work exhibits three or more of the elements and principles that are listed above—space, linear perspective, atmospheric perspective, value, color, line, texture, pattern, time and motion, balance, emphasis, scale, proportion, rhythm, unity, variety, etc.
❑ You explain how each work’s formal aspects are related to its meaning. Do not omit this part of the assignment. In addition to fully describing each work’s formal qualities, be sure to explain how these qualities support the work’s meaning.
❑ You compare and contrast the formal qualities of the selected works. To compare means to analyze the way the works’ formal qualities are similar. To contrast means to analyze the way their formal qualities are different. Comparing and contrasting are easiest if you select works of art with this in mind. For example, you might select works that focus on the use of line, but establish different tones by the way the line is rendered.
❑ You use the vocabulary that was introduced in this lesson. This is the same idea as the previous writing assignment. You do not have to use every word that appears in bold type in the commentary, but use some of the words to demonstrate that you understand what they mean. For example: “Still Life with Lobster is a representational piece of artwork, which means the objects in the painting are immediately recognizable.”
❑ You include a citation for each work of art you select. Please use MLA style. Include citations within the text of the essay as well as in a works cited page. You should also include at least one source that is outside your textbook in your research. Please see the Purdue OWL Handout found on Angel under the Academic Integrity Folder for information on how to go about doing this properly.
❑ Your essay is at least 750 words and has been checked for spelling and grammar errors. An essay less than 750 words is unlikely to demonstrate an understanding of the concepts in this lesson.

Submission of the assignment
Submit your assignment to your team leader’s drop box for the Form and Content Assignment. Make sure you submit your work to the proper drop box that corresponds with your team.

Grading Rubric:

Description of formal qualities, and relationship to content and meaning
0 – 40 pts
Description of similarities and differences between the formal qualities of each work
0 – 25 pts
Use of vocabulary from the lesson
0 – 15 pts
Writing Mechanics: Spelling, grammar, etc.
0 – 10 pts
Citation included for each work of art and all external sources
0 – 10 pts

Description of Formal Qualities and Relationship to Content (0 – 40 pts)
31 – 40 pts: Three or more formal qualities of each work are thoroughly described. Direct and insightful relationships are shown between each formal quality and the meaning of each work.
21 – 30 pts: Three formal qualities of each work are thoroughly described. Loose relationships are shown between each formal quality and the meaning of each work. Or direct and insightful relationships are shown between some formal qualities and the meaning of each work.
11 – 20 pts: One or two formal qualities of each work are described. Poor relationships are shown between each formal quality and the meaning of each work. Or three formal qualities of each work are thoroughly described, however no relationships are shown between each formal quality and the meaning of each work.
0 – 10 pts: No formal qualities of each work are described. No relationships are shown between the formal qualities and the meaning of each work.

Description of similarities and differences between the Formal Qualities of each work (0 – 25 pts)
21 – 25 pts The formal qualities of each work are thoroughly compared and contrasted. Equal treatment is given to both the similarities and the differences.
11 – 20 pts The formal qualities of each work are briefly compared and contrasted, or full attention is given only to the similarities or only to the differences.
0 – 10 pts The formal qualities of each work are not compared or contrasted, or brief attention in given only to the similarities or only to the differences.

Use of vocabulary from the lesson (0 – 15 pts)
11 – 15 pts Three or more vocabulary words are properly used throughout the essay. Their usage demonstrates a thorough and accurate understanding of their definitions.
5 – 10 pts One or two vocabulary words are properly used in the essay. Their usage demonstrates a thorough and accurate understanding of their definitions.
0 – 4 pts No vocabulary words are used in the essay, or vocabulary words are improperly used. Their usage demonstrates a lack of understanding of their definitions.

Writing Mechanics: Spelling, grammar, etc.
10 pts Absence of mechanical errors: careful editing / proofing, correct use of writing mechanics, and sophisticated sentence structure.
6 – 9 pts Several mechanical errors present. Sentence structure still communicates effectively.
0 – 5 pts Mechanical errors present. Likely due to oversight but may compromise the author’s ability to effectively communicate.

Citations (0 – 10 pts)
10 pts Citations are included within the text of the essay and in a works cited page for each image used from the textbook as well as any external sources that were used. All directly quoted material appears in quotation marks. Citations are in MLA style.
6 – 9 pts Citations are included within the essay and in a works cited page for each image used from the textbook as well as any external sources that were used, but contain minor errors.
1 – 5 pts Some citations are missing within the essay or from the works cited page, or there are major errors in the citation that hinders the reader from finding the original source material.
0 pts No citations, or missing works cited page or in-text citations in MLA style

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