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Write an essay with a 600-850 words. To include a minimum of two references and a corresponding works cited page. The essay\’s focus should be narrow and specific. Remember the thesis must be arguable and narrow enough in scope to be sufficiently covered in the short essay. The thesis is based on your opinion, the remainder of the essay supports that opinion. THIS PAPER IS AN ARGUMENTATIVE/PERSUASIVE PAPER. IT NEEDS A THESIS STATEMENT AND SUPPORT FOR THAT STATEMENT. IT MUST BE WRITTEN IN THIRD PERSON. YOU MUST HAVE AN OPINION ON THE STATEMENT. DO NOT SAY, \”THIS PAPER WILL BE ABOUT….\” DO NOT BE REPETITIVE. THE THESIS STATEMENT MUST BE NARROW AND SPECIFIC. THE ESSAY CANNOT BE A GENERAL BROAD ESSAY. IT MUST BE SOMETHING YOU CAN ARGUE WITH, THIS IS AN ARGUMENTATIVE/PERSUASIVE ESSAY. The topic is, \”Identity and place; Are people in our society losing their sense of place? Why? What are the effects of this loss?\”

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