Union vs Non-union nursing institution

Purpose: This assignment provides the opportunity for you to demonstrate your ability to gather and assess evidence, as well as construct and deliver a persuasive argument. Also, you will demonstrate your language skills and the ability to work constructively with others for the purpose of persuasion through participation in a classroom debate on the resolution: Should explicitly sexual or violent images in magazine ads, on TV, or on the Internet be censored? The items below identify the steps needed to complete this assignment. Then decide on the position you will argue: the affirmative or the negative.
1. Collect information on “evidence” cards: facts, statistics, examples, statements from experts, etc., both for and against the resolution. Source from which piece of evidence is obtained should also appear on each card.
2. Determine which position you will argue; Non-union nursing institution (the negative, against the union)
3. Argue a particular point.
Select the three strongest arguments in support of its position (based on the essays prepared)
Rebuttal – You will prepare a list of possible counter arguments and an acknowledgment (if necessary) and response for each (including additional supporting data.
You must practice the final argument to be presented and generate possible counter-arguments and rebuttals.


Grading Criteria

Each student has collected evidence on selected topic to include the following:
1. facts
2. statistics
3. examples, statements from experts etc.

Select the three strongest arguments to support the position of the topic. Maintains time of 5 minutes to present speech 40
possible counter arguments and an acknowledgement (if necessary)
For each response including additional supporting data.
and rebuttals. 40
Final Grade 100

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