Vocabulary Essay

Vocabulary Assignment- 15% of final grade
WGST 121

Too often, we jump in head first to a writing project only to be stymied later because we did
not have a full and accurate context, definition, and application of the terms of study
Therefore, before beginning a lengthier academic writing assignment, you need to have an idea
of the territory you are entering. This assignment asks you to investigate a major term relating
to our course and write a concise but precise vocabulary essay for the term. There are two
objectives you need to achieve:
1. Define and briefly contextualize your term.
2. Ground your understanding of the term in the class readings and link it to at least one
other source.
Keep track of the vocabulary terms introduced in Women Voices Feminist Visions. You may
choose to write about one of these terms, or you can propose a different term of interest that is
related to our course of study. If you propose a term, it should be one that others might find
useful for future assignments. Any proposed term must be approved by the professor.
Once you have picked a term, you should look for definitions/explanation of this term in our
class readings. Use Feminism is for Everybody!, Women’s Voices Feminist Visions, The EFR, or
some of the theoretical texts for definitions and contexts. Mark up the class texts for any
relevant example or explanation related for your term.
Drafting the Vocabulary Essay
This entry should be written like a Wikipedia entry. However, following an actual Wikipedia
entry for your term is not a good model since you need to write a vocabulary entry that is
suited for the context and audience of this class. However, the order of information might be
helpful. We’ll outline the order of information that we’d like to see in class. Please take accurate
class notes.
Also, your entry might include terminology that others are defining. This is not only
encouraged, it is also expected.
You will be writing this essay, which will be posted on our class Moodle. However, your essay
should follow MLA citation and formatting. Your essay should be between 500-750 words. You
must also include a works cited page that follows MLA conventions. You will post your final
essay to a Moodle discussion board so that everyone can read and use it for the rest of the
Once you have a full draft, you will workshop it with your peers and submit a copy to your
How Will I Be Assessed
Please refer to Moodle for the rubric and deadlines for this assignment.

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