Write a letter responding to Xavier’s grandmother and include the following: The benefits of teaching mands.

Assignment Question

Xavier Davis is a three-year-old child who was just diagnosed with autism. He has never had functional language and exhibits frequent tantrums in the form of crying, hitting, and throwing items. Xavier recently began receiving ABA therapy and is your new client. Xavier’s grandmother, Mrs. Davis, is his guardian and wants his therapist to focus on teaching him the alphabet, shapes, colors, and numbers.

In this assignment, write a letter responding to Xavier’s grandmother and include the following: The benefits of teaching mands.

An analysis of the importance of teaching manding skills to Xavier first. An explanation of the role that motivation plays in teaching manding. An explanation of the relationship between manding and challenging behaviors. Be sure to provide your responses in a way that is respectful and supportive.

References Only use the attachemnts that are the references Cooper, O., Heron, E., & Heward, L. (2020). Applied Behavior Analysis, (3rd edition) p.430- 448 Pearson Miltenberger, G. (2024). Behavior modification: Principles and procedures. (7th ed). p. 148-151Cengage


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