Reaction Paper #1 (25 points)
Please respond to the following prompt in an essay of 2-3 double spaced pages (this should be 700 words or more). Your answer will be graded based on its quality as well as its accuracy. The best essays will answer the question in detail and not simply treat it in a superficial manner.
Purpose: The objective of this assignment is for you to gain a better understanding of federalism and how it has been altered throughout the political history of the United States. One of the benefits of this assignment is to recognize where federalism is found in your daily life. Making connections between identifying and evaluating institutions and political processes within the United States and California will be a skill that is acquired as you work through this essay assignment. Key points on federalism affect the daily lives of Americans and Californians alike. This problem solving skill will be critical beyond college. Gathering varied sources from different perspectives will hopefully help you to see the political issue of federalism and power sharing between the states and the federal government in new and interesting ways.
Essay Question:
Compare the relationship of the federal and state governments during the era of dual federalism with the cooperative federalism that emerged during the 1930s. Provide examples to illustrate your answer. How has money been used as a means of achieving cooperative federalism? Hint: See Chapter Three on Federalism.
Writing Details:
Adjust your document settings to make sure your writing conforms to academic standards by doing the following: Use Times New Roman, 12 point font. Use one-inch margins on all sides. Do not include extra spaces between paragraphs. Number your pages. Perform a spell check before submission. Do not take up half the first page by including the name of this course, my name, the date, etc. Just your name at the top will be sufficient. Do not make bulleted lists. Write in complete sentences and paragraphs. Do not simply copy and paste from the textbook. Put the information into your own words.
You are not required to research this question beyond the material presented in your textbook and the PowerPoint chapter outlines. However, if you do use a source for your essay other than the textbook and chapter outlines, you must give credit to that source by correcting citing it. The general rule is that you must cite all information and ideas you get from an outside source, including ideas that you put into your own words. You are not expected to cite common knowledge or your own thinking (for example, that the sky is blue). Citations should appear in parenthesis in the text as: (author year, page number). You should put a citation at the end of the sentence that contains the information from your source. Please use Chicago Manual of Style (the author-date, in-text citation style system) as the citation style.
Writing Assignment Grading Guide:
Comparison of federal and state governments during the era of dual federalism: 5 points
Comparison of federal and state governments with cooperative federalism: 5 points
Examples used to illustrate your arguments: 5 points
Discussion of how money has been used as a means of achieving cooperative federalism: 5 points
Grammar and instructions followed: 5 points
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