Describe Adaptive Re-Use in Architecture.

Adaptive Re-Use in Architecture

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Adaptive Re-Use See:
(Abramson, 2017, Brand, 1994, Calder and Bremner, 2021, Douglas, 2006, Fannon and Laboy, 2019, Langston, 2018, Lanz and Pendlebury, 2022, Leatherbarrow, 2013, Leatherbarrow, 2020, Lefaire and Tzonis, 2007, Milwicz and Pastawski, 2018, Morrison and Waterson, 2019, Mostaeck, 2003, Mostafavi and Leatherbarrow, 1993, Plevoets and Van Cleempoel, 2019, Rowe, 1984, Sadler, 2017, Stone, 2019, Viny et al., 2018, Wong, 2017)

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