Explain what knowledge one might gain by reading about the connection(s) made and attempt to persuade your reader of its importance.

Instructor: John Hardin
“Students often think that they are writing for the teacher, but this is a
misconception; when you write, you are the teacher.”
~ Sylvan Barnet, A Short Guide to Writing About Art
One of the goals in the study of the humanities is to recognize the many significant
connections within a particular culture, between different cultures, as well as with the world of the
past and the contemporary world that we are living in today. The textbook Arts and Culture by
Benton and Diyanni “highlights four forms of connections that are especially important” in these
four sections of each chapter:
1. (Interdisciplinary) Connections among the artworks and other aspects of an individual
culture. “For example, one type of interdisciplinary connection appears in the ways the music and
architecture of Renaissance Florence were influenced by mathematical proportion and ancient
notions of ‘harmony’.”
2. Cross Currents among artworks and other aspects of different cultures. “These reflect
the ways artistic ideals, literary movements, and historical events influence the arts of other
3. Transhistorical Links between the past and the present (“Then & Now”). “These offer
discussions of a wide range of subjects that form various types of historical bridges.”
4. Cultural Impact or the influence of one culture on later cultures. “This feature explains
the influence of one culture or civilization on later ones, showing how the essential, broad themes
explored in the chapter continue to impact today’s world.”
For this assignment you are asked to write a two- to three-page (a minimum of 500
words), typed essay that is both informative and persuasive based on one of these sections. One
essay is required for each section of the course for a total of four essays across the semester.
 An introductory paragraph: This should be well planned. Use a “hook” to start off,
something that catches your reader’s attention. This might be hypothetical question or a vivid
descriiption related to the topic. Remember, the most important part of an introduction is the
thesis statement, which is a brief (typically one sentence) statement that clearly defines the
purpose, the main idea, and the main points in the paper. This will be the thread that runs
through your paper and ties it all together.
 A paragraph of background information: Your reader may not be familiar with the subject
being discussed or the connection being made in the selection, so it is good to offer some
background information. In this paragraph you should paraphrase the thesis that is
developed in the article andsummarize the evidence used to develop the thesis.
 A paragraph that emphasizes the significance of the connection: This section should be
both informative and persuasive. Explain what knowledge one might gain by reading about
the connection(s) made and attempt to persuade your reader of its importance.
 A paragraph that explains your interest in the topic: Although a first-person point of view
(“I”) should usually be avoided in academic writing, in this paragraph you should briefly reflect
on your reasons for choosing to read and write about this particular subject. Since the
chosen section develops a connection, you should explain the connection you found with the
 A concluding paragraph: Remind your reader of the main points of the essay, restate the
connection, and briefly review how you have developed your thesis and arrived at your
conclusion. And just like the “hook” in the introduction, you want to close with a comment or
a question that will leave an impression on your reader.
Before submitting an essay
 Carefully proofread what you have typed and check for spelling and grammatical errors. An
esssay that poorly written or that has numerous typographical errors will likely receive a lower
 Each essay must be a minimum of 500 words (about two typed pages) and must include an
accurate word count. Any paper that does not meet this minimum length requirement will
automatically receive an “unsatisfactory” grade of zero (“0”).
 Make sure that the essay
 is typed and double-spaced
 uses standard margins (1” top and bottom, 1” or 1.25” left and right; these should not
need to be adjusted), and
 uses an 11- or 12-point font that is easy to read (Times New Roman, Arial, Courier,
or similar font). Please do not use a font that is fancy or difficult to read.
 Please do not use a cover sheet and be sure to include the following information in the upper
left-hand corner of the first page:
 Your Name,
 the Course Number and Section,
 the Instructor’s Name,
 the Date, and
 a Total Word Count (no less than 500 words)
Submitting an essay
Papers must be submitted in Canvas. Note: Further instructions on how to submit a
paper will be posted in Canvas. As stated in the Course Syllabus, under no circumstances is a
student to email me any assignment.
The “Last Date To Submit” each essay corresponds with the “Last Date To Submit” each
Exam, meaning that the first essay must be submitted no later than the “Last Date To Submit” the
first exam and so on. These dates are posted in Canvas. No late papers will be accepted except
in the case of an excused absence (as described in the course syllabus); otherwise, a late or
unsubmitted paper will received a zero (“0”). Each essay is required and is worth 5% of the
Final Course Grade; collectively the four essays are worth 20% of the Final Course Grade.
This paper should reflect college-level writing and will be evaluated on how well it
addresses the given assignment, the quality of writing (grammar and mechanics), clarity,
organization, and logic and reasoning. Each of these criteria will be evaluated using the following
rubric. Each paper will be worth up to 25 points.
S+ = Satifactory Plus 5 points
S = Satisfactory 4 points
S- = Satisfactory Minus 3 points
U = Unsatisfactory 1 point

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