Identify two advantages of using the theory to support clinical practice .

A Nursing Theorist and Theory is assigned to each student.

Theorist and Theory assigned to me:
Neuman – Systems Model

Search the literature to locate additional references to cite in the paper. (I copied and pasted the references out of Alligood’s 2022 Nursing Theorists and Their Work at the end of the directions)

Word Count of paper: (750-1000 words).

References (2) References are required. Please do not exceed this requirement.

The paper requires a separate title page and a Separate Reference page. Both the title and reference pages stand-alone independently and are not included in the word count.


Introduction & Brief Summary

Introduce the Nursing Theorist and briefly summarize the theory, including a purpose statement.

Application of Theory

Discuss at least two ways the theory is applied or could be applied to clinical practice (Reference required).

Advantages Nursing Theory

Identify two advantages of using the theory to support clinical practice (Reference required).

Nursing Theory and Education

Discuss how the selected theory impacts patient education.

Discuss how the selected theory impacts nursing education.


The conclusion is a summation of the paper and requires two paragraphs. (no references are required).

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Beckman, S., & Fawcett, J. (2017). The Neuman systems model: Celebrating academic-practice partnerships. Neuman Systems Model Trustees Group: Fort Wayne, IN.
Bemker, M., & Ralyea, T. (2019, June 21) Adolescent high-risk factors: A community intervention model to support health transition to adulthood [Conference presentation]. The 17th Biennial Neuman Systems Model Symposium, Canton, OH.
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Cannon, S., & Fawcett, J. (2018). Correlates of psychological and physical health outcomes among African American caregiving daughters. ABNF Journal, 29(3), 86–97.
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Davis, J.H. (2018). Buffering the stress of programmatic accreditation. Teaching & Learning in Nursing, 13(1), 14–17.
DeMarco, R.F., & Fawcett, J., & Mazzawi, J. (2018). Covert incivility: Challenges as a challenge in the nursing academic workplace. Journal of Professional Nursing, 34(4), 253–258.
Demir, G. (2018). The impact of Neuman Systems Model in reducing the care burden on primary caregivers of dementia patients. International Journal of Caring Sciences, 11(3), 1849–1858.
Demir, G., & Platin, N. (2017). Impact of Neuman Systems Model in reducing care burden primary caregivers of patients with dementia. International Journal of Caring Sciences, 10(1), 393
Fawcett, J. (1989). Analysis and evaluation of conceptual models of nursing (2nd ed.). F. A. Davis: Philadelphia, 172–177.
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Fawcett, J. (2001). Scholarly dialogue. The nurse theorists: 21st-century updates—Betty Neuman. Nursing Science Quarterly, 14(3), 211–214.
Fawcett, J., & Giangrande, S. The Neuman systems model and research: An integrative review. In B. Neuman, J. Fawcett (Ed.), (2002). The Neuman systems model (4th ed.). Pearson: Upper Saddle River, NJ, 120–149.
Freese, B.T., Russell, J., Neuman, B., & Fawcett, J. Neuman systems model-based practice: Guidelines and practice tools. In B. Neuman, J. Fawcett (Ed.), (2011). The Neuman systems model. Pearson: Upper Saddle River, NJ, 136–152.
George, M.J. (2019, June 21) Perceived health status in multiple sclerosis: Quantitative analysis of the NSM concept of reconstitution [Conference presentation]. The 17th Biennial Neuman Systems Model Symposium, Canton, OH.
Gigliotti, E. (1999). Women’s multiple role stress: Testing Neuman’s flexible line of defense. Nursing Science Quarterly, 12(1), 36–44.
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Gigliotti, E. (2007). Improving external and internal validity of a model of midlife women’s maternal-student role stress. Nursing Science Quarterly, 20(2), 161–170.
Gigliotti, E. Deriving middle-range theories from the Neuman systems model. In B. Neuman, J. Fawcett (Ed.), (2011). The Neuman systems model. Pearson: Upper Saddle River, NJ, 283–298.
Green-Laughlin, D. Example of the Neuman systems model in online teaching of RN-BS students. In S. Beckman, J. Fawcett (Ed.), (2017). Neuman systems model: Celebrating academic-practice partnerships. Neuman Systems Model Trustees Group: Fort Wayne, IN, 25–26.
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Jones, M.L (2020). Perceptions of rural community-based nurses and perceived stigma related to HIV/AIDS: A mixed-methods study. Publication No. DAI-A 81/11(E. Doctoral dissertation, Hampton UniversityDissertation Abstracts International.
Kim, B.R. (2019, June 21) Employing Neuman systems model to examine impact of acculturation on Asian American mother-daughter sexual communication [Conference presentation]. The 17th Biennial Neuman Systems Model Symposium, Canton, OH.
Lee, A., Myers, L.M., & Lawson, T.G. (2017). International service learning. In S. Beckman, J. Fawcett (Ed.), Neuman Systems Model: Celebrating academic-practice partnerships. Neuman Systems Model Trustees Group: Fort Wayne, IN, 267–269.
Louis, M., Gigliotti, E., Neuman, B., & Fawcett, J. Neuman systems model-based research: Guidelines and research instruments. In B. Neuman, J. Fawcett (Ed.), (2011). The Neuman systems model. Pearson: Upper Saddle River, NJ, 160–174.
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Markani, A.K., Yaghmaei, F., & Khodayari Fard, M. (2018). Relationship between oncology nurses’ spiritual wellbeing with their attitudes towards spiritual care providing based on Neuman System Model: Evidences from Iran. Journal of Caring Sciences, 7(2), 113–118.
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McDowell, B.M. An example of teaching patient-centered care with children and families using a Neuman systems model pediatric assessment tool. In S. Beckman, J. Fawcett (Ed.), (2017). Neuman systems model: Celebrating academic-practice partnerships. Neuman Systems Model Trustees Group: Fort Wayne, IN, 96–98.
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Primary Sources

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Book Chapters
Neuman, B. Analysis and application of Neuman’s health care model. In I.W. Clements, F.B. Roberts (Ed.), (1983). Family health: A theoretical approach to nursing care. Wiley: New York, 239–254. Analysis and application.
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Journal Articles
Ahmadi, Z., & Sadeghi, T. (2017). Application of the Betty Neuman systems model in the nursing care of patients/clients with multiple sclerosis. Multiple Sclerosis Journal—Experimental, Translational and Clinical, 3(3) 2055217317726798.
Akhlaghi, E., Babaei, S., & Abolhassani, S. (2020). Modifying stressors using Betty Neuman system modeling in coronary artery bypass graft: A randomized clinical trial. Journal of Caring Science, 9(1), 13
Albdour, M., Hong, J.S., & Zilioli, S., & Lumley, M.A. (2020). Self-reported physical and psychological symptoms among victims and perpetrators of bullying in Arab American adolescents. Journal of Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Nursing, 33(4), 201–208
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Block, M. (2017). Contemporary nursing knowledge: Analysis and evaluation of nursing models and theories. Nursing Science Quarterly, 30(3), 280
Briggs, C.L., Lartey, G., & Eagle, S. (2020). Creating a safe space for nursing students’ spiritual reflection. Journal of Christian Nursing, 37(3), 170
Choutko-Joaquim, S., Tacchini-Jacquier, N., Pralong D’Alessio, G.,, & Verloo, H. (2019). Associations between frailty and delirium among older patients admitted to an emergency department. Dementia & Geriatric Cognitive Disorders Extra, 9(2), 236
Couper, J. (2018). The struggle is real: Investigating the challenge of assigning a failing clinical grade. Nursing Education Perspectives, 39(3), 132–137.
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