Assignment Question
The project is designed to develop and evaluate key competencies in learning Organizational Behavior and management – conceptualization and application. Conceptualization is the skill of forming abstract ideas from specific practices, whereas application is the skill of applying perspectives to explain, predict, and influence practices. Specifically, you need to complete the following tasks: Read an article named “Note on workplace psychology theories” and select a perspective from the article to work on. Find a video clip in which the practice is related to the perspective you select.
Prepare a presentation to summarize what happens in the video clip, introduce what the perspective is about, demonstrate how the practice in the video clip is conceptualized to the perspective, and apply the perspective to explain, predict, or influence the practice in the video clip. The video clip should be from a TV series or movie. The actions or practices in the video clip should happen in a workplace setting. The video clip should be at normal speed and no longer than three minutes. If the video clip is not in English, you need to insert English subtitles.
The presentation slides should only have five pages in the following order: a preface containing a title and team information, a page summarizing what happens in the video clip, a page introducing what the perspective is about, a page demonstrating how the practice in the video clip is conceptualized to the perspective, and a page applying the perspective to explain, predict, or influence the practice in the video clip. Presentation slides need to be saved into a PDF file.
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