What would you do if you suddenly began getting letters in the mail (or email) from individuals whom you have never met, yet mention you as if they know you vividly?

Paragraph 1 – Chapter 13: “The Postcards”
What would you do if you suddenly began getting letters in the mail (or email) from individuals whom you have never met, yet mention you as if they know you vividly?
How would you feel? Would you be frightened the way Sophie and Joanna are?
Would you be angry?
What would you do and why?
Would you start to think something uncontrollable was happening?
Something out of your hands?
Paragraph 2 – Chapter 14: “Two Cultures”
Reflect on the relationship between Judaism and Christianity to answer the following questions:
What connects the two religions?
What are common historical and biblical connections that bind these two religions together?
Please Note: Chapter 14, along with the PowerPoint slides on Judaism and Christianity, will help you to complete this paragraph reflection. You may also use other internet sources (just cite!).

Paragraph 3 – Chapter 15: “The Middle Ages”
Reflect on St. Augustine opinions and thoughts regarding Plato’s theory of the “World of Forms” and Christianity.
He saw no contradiction between Christianity’s position on Heaven and life-everlasting through acceptance of Christ, and Plato’s theories on the “World of Forms.”
Plato, who lived centuries before Jesus Christ, theorized that our life on Earth was not the “real” life. He believed that the “real” life came after we die in what he called the “World of Forms.”
Many philosophers and theologians theorize this was a precursor to Christianity’s position of eternal – or the real life we are meant to live – in Heaven through acceptance of Jesus Christ.
Do you agree with this? What are examples of how these two belief-systems are similar?
Please Note: Chapter 15, along with the PowerPoint slides on the Middle Ages, and the YouTube video entitled “Plato & the Christian Tradition,” will help you to complete the paragraph reflection. You may also use other internet sources (just cite!).

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