Write a research paper about nonprofit organizations’ financial sustainability.Study plan: Research question: To what extent do diversified funding sources contribute to the financial sustainability of nonprofit organizations globally?
Hypothesis: Nonprofit organizations with diversified funding sources have higher financial sustainability.
Chosen 6 Organizations:
UK based organizations US-based organizations Qatar based organizations
Save the Children American Red Cross Qatar Charity
British Cross Americares Qatar Red Crescent
Aimed study year: 2018 – 2022.
Objectives for the Research:
1. To assess the relationship between funding diversification and financial sustainability in nonprofit organizations.
2. To develop an econometric model analyzing the impact of diversified funding, cost efficiency, and economic conditions on nonprofits’ financial outcomes.
3. To provide recommendations for nonprofit financial strategies based on empirical evidence.
Details of the research:
Data Collection: Data will be collected from the financial statements of 6 nonprofit organizations for the years 2018-2022. Additionally, macroeconomic data such as GDP growth, unemployment rates, and inflation will be gathered from authoritative economic databases.
Data Analysis: Using multiple regression analysis, the study will assess how independent variables (diversified funding sources, cost efficiency, and economic conditions) affect the dependent variables
The aim is to test a regression model (econometric) for multicollinearity etc.
Instructions for literature review: create a well-developed literature review about the topic, I have chosen 26 articles 5 of them are books, I want approx 40 papers.
There’s an Excel attachment with some of my work.
list of books: 1/ the state of nonprofit America 2/ financial sustainability for nonprofit organization 3/ the profit economy 4/ financing nonprofit organizations 5/ financial management for nonprofit organizations: poltices
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