Write a research paper on Mental Health Issues in Young Women and Adolescents, a health disparity that the culture group in the United States experiences.Health MultiCuture Date: Wednesday October 18th, 2023 Selected cultural group that you feel you have an active identity around or involvement with. In other words, how do you culturally/racially move through the world. Begin to bullet point important aspects of YOUR culture that will be discussed in the paper. Use the following as a guide: Relationship to this culture I was born and grew up in Vietnam until I was 15 years old, therefore I have a strong cultural background relationship with my culture and traditional. Immigrate with parents. Also, try to follow the American Dream like every other Asian family who go to the US. Some historical context for the culture. As I moved around with my cultural background this time I saw more innovations that addressed issues of hatred and racism, At the same time, I feel like the United States identifies all Asian Americans as all the same, we are middle class, and the disparities or challenges we receive are not as rough as other ethnicities and communities in the United States. Fun fact: I decided to change my name to Irene instead of keeping my Vietnamese name, then when I started to work at a pharmacy in a white people area. There are patient who are judging when they see that I’m Asian but when they know my name is in English they change their attitude. Most people will be familiar with the Vietnam War, talking about how we immigrated here to escape communists (viet-cong) from Vietnam during the late 1970s. Vietnamese immigrate to the US on boats or they immigrate to the Philippines, Thailand, and Singapore. My grandfather was a soldier fighting against the Communists. He escaped in 1985, and then built a life in the United States. Like many other Vietnamese soldiers, they are allowed to sponsor family members to the United States by filing citizenship and immigration services. The Vietnam War was a highlight of history back then at home in Vietnam but in the United State, people view it differently. ii. Origins and key developments that have helped shape the culture and the experience of its members, including challenges to social justice and equity. Language barriers was an issue and still an issue. Vietnamese demonstrate affection through gestures and actions. Vietnamese live a part as “We” more than individualism. They do everything because their parents want to or their family at home in Vietnam was poor. Pure pressure who living in the State to have stable footsteps in the United States to help out. Iii. Membership demographics and characteristics – who makes up this culture, such as nationality, race/ethnicity, spirituality/religion, and location. Philosophy: Confucianism and Karma Vietnamese traditional values in four core domains including an obligation to the family, desire for reputation, fondness for learning, and respect Vietnam is a Southeast Asia country. Ho Chi Minh was the Communist leader who fought for Vietnamese independence from the French The capital is in Northen called Hanoi. The southern main city is either called Saigon or Ho Chi Minh City. The country has French colonists, the Vietnam Museum, and the Cu Chi tunnel were used by the Viet Cong soldiers. It is well known for the Mekong Delta, river, and Buddhist pagodas. Vietnamese who immigrated to the United States just prefer themself to Vietnamese living here. Or Vietnamese-Americans because their parents immigrated from Vietnam but were born in the United States, they have a stronger connection to American culture. IV. Migration patterns Nowadays most Vietnamese people get access to the United States through sponsorship by family, school international study. Back then the common way was to escape from Vietnam by boat and then travel through many different countries (Thailand, Malaysia, Philippines, etc ) until the boat got to the United States. V. Traditions, customs, beliefs, religion, gender roles We have many traditions that are influenced by Chinese culture Religions mainly are Buddhism and Catholicism. Beliefs in Buddha, Jesus, and other gods depend on religious background. The youngsters have to respect adults regardless of circumstances. Gender roles now away is men and women are equal but back then men had higher roles of family owner, education, and social status. Souces ; https://www.migrationpolicy.org/article/vietnamese-immigrants-united-states https://www.pbs.org/wgbh/americanexperience/features/daughter-living-two-cultures/ https://eric.ed.gov/?id=EJ1121509 2. Health Disparity experienced by the culture group in the U.S: Mental Health Issues in Young Women and Adolescents. Bullet point your findings/facts as they relate to experienced health disparities. Reason -Lack of education. -They don’t seek professional help. -Self-treat medication that they brought back from Vietnam. -Significant educational pressure by parents. -Sigma attached to admire that they have a mental health problem. -Lack of knowledge gap of morbidity and mortality. -They believed mental health could be treated spiritually or by the time it is gone. -According to a survey out of 14000 Vietnamese Americans, 21% need help with mental illness compared to 10% of non-white. -Lack of health care access/health insurance. Sources :https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7310713/ https://www.aahiinfo.org/english/pdf/needsAssessment/AAHI_FocusG_M_Vietnamese.pdf 3. Once you have selected a health disparity, begin to organize and analyze your data. Use below required questions below as a guide. The data and analysis should include: Who experiences the disparity, who is/are the comparison groups, and data on the specific disparity? -Mental Health Issue mostly highlighted in young women and adolescent (10 years – 19 years ols) II. The significance (or implications) of the disparity within your population for example: Language and communication problems. Lacks of social support. Sigma feared to express their issue. Pressure from social judgment. Public Stigma. Native cultural background that they grew up in In the Vietnamese community, having depression is equal to being “crazy”. The patient is the one to be blamed for. III. Factors that affect the disparity such as Denied health by professional treatment at the individual Level. Access to health care because they could be undocumented immigrants- Public Policy level. Living environment is a lack of education about mental health issues at the Community Level. Strictly demand to aim for higher education by parents – Interpersonal Level. 4. Begin to research current and or past initiatives that have been implemented to address the above-selected health disparity for the specific cultural group. What was the initiative(s) about, including the region it was conducted, priority population, and strategies and activities that are utilized in the initiative? AAHI Project in Montgomery- analyzed and summarized Vietnamese-American health disparities. Utilizing Vietnamese media channels to raise mental health awareness- suggested by physiatric in Houston. Vietnamese Americans prefer community-based and faith-based organizations and some of their own media as desirable outlets for the dissemination of health information. Which level(s) of the Social-Ecological Model did the intervention activities address? Interpersonal level because parents now will have more knowledge and reasons why their children are having mental health issues. Community and Organization as well because it also raises the awareness of other communities about mental health issues in young adolescents. What makes the initiative culturally competent? It does not cross the line of forcing anyone to adapt to a different cultural background because the kids are developing in American culture, but it is a way to improve family communication. Also, the event could have happened in local-friendly places, something that they feel relative to their cultural background. Such as temples, churches, and schools that have a high rate of Vietnamese-American students, etc. How did the organization engage its identified population? The community members have suggested having mental health education for young adolescents. Create more sports event companies to help create more interest. Provided parents with information and materialistic knowledge to recognize symptoms of depression. Creating podcasts, and actual TV shows and channel for the Vietnamese local. Vietnamese Community Services Center that helps with family counseling. How successful were the initiatives in addressing the disparity and improving health outcomes in your chosen population group? During the project teaching about mental health on YouTube, there have been questions, comments, and stories from all over the country, as well as Vietnam, Germany, and Australia. Provide the outcome data that was used to determine how the intervention impacted the disparity in the population. A majority of referrals (79%), treatment questions (15%), and negative statements about psychiatrists (6%) are made by patients. 5. Critical thinking time: (Bullet point your thoughts/findings) Begin to conduct an in-depth critical analysis of the identified initiatives/programs/interventions: Discuss whether or not this intervention reduced the disparity in the population Increasing awareness, de-stigmatizing mental health, and de-stigmatizing it in a culturally sensitive way, reduces the disparity in the population. Sources: https://psychiatryonline.org/doi/10.1176/appi.ajp-rj.2016.110205 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6798712/ Specify suggestions or recommendations you have to supplement or improve the initiative(s), and in developing future programs or public health initiatives for this population group based on the concepts you have learned in this class, and argue what you think the best course of action would be to address the issue. More engagement to actually go out to campus such as college, and school. Working on finding a funder for local events, and partnering with local non-profit organizations to create more mental health awareness events. Social media connecting since the population is mainly youth A local or non-profit organization should have more youth volunteer who has the skills and potential because they know best about their mental health. Peer influence, mental health counseling one-on-one at school. How do your population’s shared values, practices, and world views provide an entry point for generating effective solutions? -Vietnamese-Amerian believed in a strong connection with their own community -The comfort zone is doing everything within their community or for their community -Like how doing the show on a local Vietnamese channel will work better than doing it online without them having access to language barriers What level(s) of the Social-Ecological Model should be used to address this disparity in the identified population Interpersonal Level and Community Level because the self-stigma from family and social stigma are the biggest barriers preventing the youth from seeking help -They will be viewed differently The pressure of their family will be judged because they believe that having children with mental health problems are the bad karma they deserve if their ancestor did bad things. Conclusion: As a young immigrant girl, I absorbed both sides of the culture from Vietnamese to American. Mental Health Issues are something I really despise to tell more people about our community, I want to grow in what kind of environment or work in what kind of environment in the future, and I think it matters for me to discuss this issue now. As a whole community, it is critical for early intervention on other community issues that can be caused by mental health illness. Changes do not mean that I do not prefer or respect my culture and the traditional values but community issues can not be racial also because of these values and traditions. This is not about challenging people in the community’s minds about their culture, traditions, or value in life but it is about finding the balance between the past and the future generations as we move forward in this world.
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