Write a research paper outlining the eight steps involved in producing an internet survey.The owners of ABC Restaurant have agreed to a survey. Your task is to design one for existing customers using JotForm. Existing customers are people who have spent money at the business in the past six months.
Use the following resources to complete your assignment:
Create an Online Survey Report Template to record your work OR use the attached online survey report template.
Creating a JotForm Survey (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vK8y0ohTP8E)
Types of survey questions (https://www.surveymonkey.com/mp/survey-question-types/)
How to Design a Questionnaire OR go to Customer Satisfaction Survey Form (jotform.com) for one possible format to use. (https://www.jotform.com/form/233215230810138)
How for existing customers, you want to understand the following (no more than 10 questions, and no more than 2 demographic questions):
How often they have frequented the business in the past six months
How they rank their overall experience
If they would refer others to the restaurant
Their level of satisfaction or dissatisfaction with the food, service, decor/cleanliness, etc.
Demographics, psychographics, and behavioral factors such as how they typically identify the need to dine out and what their selection process and criteria is for dining out
Awareness of the restaurant
Perception of the restaurant
How often they dine out
Where they go when they dine out
Their level of satisfaction with the competition
Why they select the competition
The URL to the survey (go to “Publish” in JotForm to get the URL) will be included in the Creating an Online Survey Report [Word Doc] that addresses
What your goal is for the research
How you will attain that goal based on the questions asked
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