Movie Review, Finance and Accounting

Project description
For this paper, please watch the movie Overdose: The Next Financial Crisis by Journeyman Pictures. The movie chronicles the lead-up to the 2007-2008 financial crisis and also mentions implications for the future.

The movie is 46:21 minutes and available for free on YouTube in its entirety at:

After watching the movie, you should write a two-part paper addressing the prompts below; the completed paper should be a total of 4,000-5,000 words.

Part 1: Summary of Events (2,000-2,500 words)

Briefly summarize the events and activities from 2001-2007 that led to the housing bubble.

Terms/parties to consider: Punchbowl, Fed alcohol- lowering of interest rates; NINA loans; moral hazard; government sponsored entity (GSE); rating agencies/conflict of interest and mortgage-back securities.\”

Part 2: Statement of Opinion (2,000-2,500 words)

Consider the following in your reaction: $700BB Purchase of troubled assets, (formerly known as Troubled Asset Relief Program- TARP perhaps not explicitly mentioned.); criteria of bank bailout; $787BB stimulus plan (American Recovery Reinvestment Act) According to the picture, how much was truly stimulus? You can also google How to Spend $787 billion- NY Times for further clarification.

In 20-20 hindsight, how do you think it was handled? What do you think should have been differently, if anything?

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