n what way is the dependent variable related to the independent variable(s) and what might influence this relation?

Research Proposal (Idea) Instruction:
In their research idea students express the research question as a relation between two or more variables (cause-and-effect relation). They make clear what the dependent variable and the independent variable(s) are. Also should be clear what the relation between the variables is by drawing a conceptual framework: in what way is the dependent variable related to the independent variable(s) and what might influence this relation? Furthermore, they should answer four questions: 1) how are the variables defined theoretically, 2) which arguments for the relation between the variables are provided theoretically, 3) how are the variables measured empirically, and 4) which findings for the relation between the variables are provided? These four questions should be discussed and answered by referring to academic studies within the chosen topic which are relevant for the particular research idea (include at least 5 academic studies). Furthermore, students give a comprehensive but concise overview about the methods and data sources used in these studies. Last but not least, students state their contribution to the literature (i.e., what does this research idea add to the current body of knowledge) and show the academic and practical relevance of their research idea.
The research idea (max 5 pages) can be based either on the pre-defined questions indicated in the topic descriptions or on own ideas within the indicated topics, depending on the capabilities, creativity and ambition of the individual students. The research idea should also contain a “Plan B” (max 1 page) in case the original research idea is not relevant and/or not feasible for whatever reason

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