Boston is selected as the Venue for 2024 Summer Olympics to represent USA and contest against other countries for the nomination. Hypothetically, if Boston gets the nomination, it will host the Olympics which subsequently may boost the Local economy.


“Boston is selected as the Venue for 2024 Summer Olympics to represent USA and contest against other countries for the nomination. Hypothetically, if Boston gets the nomination, it will host the Olympics which subsequently may boost the Local economy”

Given this scenario, develop a paper describing the impact of this economic event on the following items:

1. Demand and Supply for Real Estate

2. Rental and Rents

3. Transportation

4. Government Budget

5. GDP of Boston and MA

6. Construction Industry and Employment

7. After Olympics

8. Your Views

Instructions and requirements

1. The paper should not exceed 6 typed pages with 11-12 font.

2. All data/charts and graphs will be addendums and will not be counted as a part of the paper.

3. Copy and paste from the Web/Internet will not be accepted

4. Paper should be written in your own words, if you want to include quotations and references, they should be appropriately marked.

5. Paper should contain the following:

a. Introduction

b. Table of Contents

c. List of Reference and Quotes

d. Your Opinion on the topic

6. Please make sure you apply aspects from Macroeconomics when writing this paper.

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