That what’s my paper about:
In the second part of your project, you will propose a communication-based solution to the conflict.
Three pages attached about the conflict to give you more information what is it about. Its start from “State Human Rights Commission” to “ January 1, 1939” In the last page. Also there is my essay what I wrote to make the PowerPoint for.
My essay:
Communication in Conflict Resolution
Communication is an essential tool in conflict resolution as it helps reconcile the differences in both parties. From “The Black Experience in Missouri”, there are a number of conflicts that era evident in that society. Failure to properly address the underlying issues culminated to the infamous Sharecroppers Conflict of 1939. With the understanding of the importance of communication in this society, many issues would have been solved amicably. One of the major issues that the Missouri people grappled with at that time was racial discrimination. The society discriminated against people of color and other minorities. This essay proposes communication-based approaches that would be used to solve the conflicts at Missouri during that time.
There were protests from those who were being segregated as they sought to demand for their civil rights. The first way to achieve a resolution of this conflict was championed by Mr. Blair. Through open communication and persistent lobbying in the legislature, he was able to oversee the adoption of the Civil Rights Bill that would address the existent conflicts by condemning discrimination based on race. Mr. Blair was able to convince his fellow legislatures on the need to address pertinent issues in the society that caused divisions and conflicts. By that, he created a precedent on the importance of lobbying and open-advocacy of the oppressed in the society.
The other important communication-based way of solving the conflicts that were prevalent in Missouri at that time would be to promote cross-cultural communication. This would essentially guarantee peaceful co-existence amongst all American citizens, irrespective of the racial affiliation of the person. Communication that is based on solidarity and cultural understanding is very effective in addressing social, economic, and political problems not only in Missouri, but also worldwide. Bad blood between the whites and the people of color would be lost, as they would learn how to co-exist peacefully with each other. The need to have a unity of purpose regardless of the race of the individual is critical to the economic growth of the country, and consequently better living standards of all those involved. As people get to understand and appreciate that everyone has equal rights and that those rights should not be infringed. The sharecroppers of Missouri were living in miserable conditions under abject poverty, as they did not have equal access to economic resources as other richer individuals.
Communication would be used to remove existent cultural prejudices that glorify a certain culture or race above another. This is not just limited to race but also includes social class. With such an understanding, there are a lot of underlying issues that would be addressed in the society. There seems to be major problem with the sharecroppers who were living in harsh conditions. The sharecroppers were being oppressed by their employers who did not care about their welfare. This is what resulted to the Missouri Sharecropper protest of 1939 as they protested against not being given their share of what landowners owed them. These conflicts would have been averted if the landowners did not treat the sharecroppers with contempt, but rather respected them and respected their ways of earning a living. Therefore, with no prejudices, the black population that accounted for a majority of the sharecroppers would feel there is no basis upon which other races would discriminate against them.
In conclusion, communication is one of the most essential ways of resolving conflicts. There are many ways through which communication could be employed but the success rate is usually high.
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