global human resource management

Masters Entry Diploma in Human Resource Management

Module 3 Global Human Resource Management

Learning Outcomes:

1. Identify different approaches to human resource management in other countries and regions;
2. Compare and contrast global management practices;
3. Demonstrate awareness of cultural attitudes and issues, particularly in emerging countries;
4. Compare and contrast employee legislation between countries and regions;
5. Recognise global industrial relations requirements;
6. Identify needs of employees in various areas, including expatriates;
7. Critically appraise the effect of multinationals on global human resource management.

You have been appointed as HR Manager for South East Asia. The organisation that you work for (a large manufacturing organisation) has operations in ten countries in this region. This is a new role, and one that you are required to develop. This is a very exciting opportunity, and you want to be sure that you develop a role that is of real value to the organisation.

Before you leave for South East Asia you have been asked to give a presentation outlining your initial thoughts about the role. Accompanying this presentation you are required to write a report. You have been asked to ensure that you address the following four points in your report:
1. What are the different approaches to HR, and how might they vary depending on where in the world HR is being practices?
2. What are legal (employment only) and employee relations issues that might be relevant and how these should be addressed.
3. What approach to reward would you recommend? In particular you are asked whether you think that reward should be controlled from the head office in UK.
4. What are the cultural issues that you expect to face? What are you going to have to think about in the way that you behave, and the way that you approach this role?
N.B. – In all elements of the assessment you are expected to integrate theory and practice.

1 The maximum length of the assessment is 2000 words.
2 You are required show the exact word count on the front page. Any misrepresentation of the word count will be treated as unfair practice and may be penalised.
3 You will be penalised if you exceed the word count by more than 10%.
4 The required format for this assessment is a report that could be used in a business setting but references should still be cited using the Harvard Referencing System. Any title or contents page, Bibliography or Appendices (if used) do not count towards the total of 2000 words.
5 Ensure that all material taken directly another source should be referenced fully. Plagiarism is taken seriously as is penalised.
6 Please note that late submissions without an approved extension will be penalised.

Assessment Criteria
Note: these specific criteria should be read in conjunction with the generic “Grade Criteria” in the Student Handbook. You should bear each set of criteria in mind as you write your answers to the assessment tasks.
% Marks

70  100%
Describes and explains a wide range issues based on a comprehensive framework of theory.
Largely analytic, with the minimum necessary description to set the context for the report.
Based on a wide, but focussed, range of reading.
Sophisticated application of theory to practice.
Citations of, and references for, secondary sources fully compliant with the Harvard system.
The report would be valued by managers about to become expatriates in the two chosen countries.

Detailed analysis the issues based on a sound framework of theory.
Draws from a range of reading, especially from relevant refereed journals.
Very good application of theory to practice.
Citations of, and references for, secondary sources fully compliant with the Harvard system.
The report could be used as a briefing for managers with little amendment or further development.

Analyses a basic number of issues, using appropriate theory
Sound balance between description and analysis.
Good use of, and reference, to appropriate Module content.
Evidence of wider reading including some professional or academic journals.
Good application of theory to practice.
Citations of, and references for, secondary sources compliant with the Harvard system, with some minor mistakes.
The report would be of interest and use to managers about to become expatriates in the two chosen countries.

Has not identified a sufficient number of issues, and application of theory is weak
Makes appropriate use of, and reference, to the Module content.
Some evidence of wider reading.
Basic but sound application of theory to practice.
Citations of, and references for, secondary sources generally compliant with the Harvard system, with some mistakes.
The report would be of some, albeit limited, use to managers about to become expatriates.


Marginal Fail
Does not pay attention to sufficient issues
Mainly description, little analysis.
Only limited use of material from the Module
No use of wider reading.
The report would only be of marginal interest or use to managers about to become expatriates.

Under 35%

Concentrates on one issue and does not apply theory
No analysis and only very little description.
No use of underpinning knowledge and understanding from the Module.
No attempt to respond to the context of the question, that is the report would be of little interest or use to managers about to become expatriates.

Learning Outcomes Assessed: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7.

It is very important that you integrate theory and practice. This means that you must make practical suggestions, but they must always be supported by reference to relevant theory or research. Although your opinions are important, they do not carry much weight if they are not referenced.
2. The assessment will be divided into a number of questions. It is important that you answer them all, and that it is clear where your answer to each question starts.
3. Ensure that your answers show an analytical approach. This means that you are questioning and probing in your approach. You should not just write a suggestion or an answer without questioning the strengths and weaknesses of your idea. You should weigh up the potential issues and address them.
4. When you reference ensure that you use Harvard referencing.
5. Ensure that you read the questions carefully and that you answer the specific question that has been asked.

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