Notice that the text is interspersed with the graphs/tables and formulas much the way that a text-book is presented. The preferred text spacing is single space and the font should be 12 pt. One should avoid abnormally large gaps within the document. Most deviations to these formatting guidelines are meant to give the impression of more volume (it won’t work!). Overall, consistency is the highest priority. Even if something is different than convention, most readers will gladly accommodate the writers idiosyncrasies if they are commonly adhered to throughout the complete document.
Working with equations is challenging for many students. Don’t wait for the last moment to be-come familiar with the equation editor or with making graphs in Excel.
Lastly, the topic for the report should be something for which the student has at least nominal pas-sion. The reports will reflect the student’s interest (or lack thereof). The best reports come from well though out topical choices.
In this section you will be judged as to whether or not all the items on the assignment sheet were completed.
Part I – 10 pts. possible
Part II – 9 pts. possible
Volume – scale from 1 to 6 (this measures the amount of text in the report)
Mathematical Skills:
The title basically says it all. Grading will be on a 1 to 5 scale.
This section deals with the basic clarity of the report. Both grammatical and visual con-cerns will be addressed.
Visual neatness – scale from 1 to 5
English skills – scale from 1 to 5
Presentation is different from readability in that readability is attuned to visual skills and presentation is geared for organizational skills. Tables and graphs could actually be put into either group.
Logically organized – scale from 1 to 5
Tables / Graphs – scale from 1 to 5
Total: 50 pts.
Edited: Winter 2009
ath Department
The report project is a means by which a student can demonstrate their grasp of the general con-cepts of statistics. It should be a comprehensive report that contains all the definitive aspects of statistics (i.e., collection of data, analysis, inferences, and presentation). Additionally, it should be a classic college level written report in the sense that it has all the requisites for a document that would be submitted to the English, Sociology/Psychology, or History departments. The re-ports should not just be a collection of numbers and calculations. I will require that the report communicate to me (or anyone else who might read it) the information in a reasonably well com-posed English form. It is essential that written portions of the report be of sufficient quantity and of adequate quality.
Within this information booklet is a “list” of required topics that must be included in every re-port. I expect to have more than just the “answers” to the items is a list format. The “answers” must be imbed within the textual portions of the report. There might be non-textual sections where calculations are shown. A classical example of mixing text with non-text is in your text-book (An example is also shown later in this booklet). Although you will submit an electronic copy of your data, all pertinent data used in the report should be shown to the reader (i.e., your report should never reference your electronically submitted data).
Your report will not only be graded on content and mathematical skills, but also on readability and presentation (A grading rubric shown later in this booklet will convey the bases by which you will be graded). I will require that your reports be typed and that your graphics also be done by computer (spreadsheets are necessary and available on campus). Additionally, when you turn in your report you are required to submit an Excel spreadsheet of your data. If you do not sup-ply me the data file, I will automatically deduct 5 pts.
In general, your report should be a quality project that you may be able to include in a writing portfolio that may go with you to your next educational institution.
General Information
Last Completed Projects
topic title | academic level | Writer | delivered |
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