Take a previous planned lesson (or plan a new lesson) and using the UDL checklist (https://udlhcpss.files.wordpress.com/2011/11/checklist1.pngLinks to an external site.) for planning purposes, and the UDL lesson template, identify a minimum of three (3) potential barriers to learning your students might experience, and then plan how you will design universally to support all student learning.

Take a previous planned lesson (or plan a new lesson) and using the UDL checklist (https://udlhcpss.files.wordpress.com/2011/11/checklist1.pngLinks to an external site.) for planning purposes, and the UDL lesson template, identify a minimum of three (3) potential barriers to learning your students might experience, and then plan how you will design universally to support all student learning.

Upload your completed UDL lesson plan, along with the original lesson plan.

You must upload TWO documents to earn full credit: An original lesson (this can be one that you have created or something you have found online) and the UDL worksheet adding strategies to that existing lesson.

Do not fill out the left column of the UDL worksheet with basic lesson goals and expect to have it considered a lesson plan. A lesson plan includes standards, resources/tools needed, and step by step directions for teaching the lesson.

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