What are common thin films are used for example TiN and CrN you need to write something about them.

The Introduction must be talking about: it might be 400 words
1- Thin Films and why they are important
2-What are common thin films are used for example TiN and CrN you need to write something about them. For example: Common coatings TiN which have a high hardness and wear resistance are commonly used in the machining industry to extend the life of a tool
3- Thin films Impact
4- Thin films Applications.
5- Talk about Stainless Steel properties. (The papers which I uploaded are useful)
Background: it might be 850 words
It is about what others did so far. You need to summarize each conclusion from each the papers. Also, from your experience make it strong and add many important things
One important thing please if you write any sentence, write its reference next to it.
For example: .. (1)

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