What is Eloquentia Perfecta and how would you explain the concept in your own words?Discuss

To complete the assignment, you will need to first listen to a podcast interview with Fr. “Paddy” Gilger, SJ, a scholar on the notion of Eloquentia Perfecta who has published essays on the subject. The podcast covers many dimensions of Eloquentia Perfecta from its historical roots to contemporary manifestations, as well as some practical advice for thinking about the concept as you complete this assignment. The podcast concludes with a discussion of what Eloquentia Perfecta could mean in the context of your broader college education.

Reflecting on your class experiences and building from the podcast, write and submit a 3 page single-spaced paper (Times New Roman, 12 pt font, and 1 inch margins) that answers some combination of the question prompts below (choose 3 or 4):

 What is Eloquentia Perfecta and how would you explain the concept in your own words?
 Following Fr. Gilger’s explanation, how would you personally describe “the public good” related to your “critical issue”?
 How did speaking about your “critical issue” direct your thinking about what “the public good” is?
 What is the relationship between being a “good person” and “speaking well”?
 Is it enough to understand “critical issues,” or are you required as a “good person” to “speak well” about them to others? Explain.
 Fr. Gilger suggests that after this experience, you may be a “deepened” version of the same person, or a new person altogether. Has your participation in these courses led you to either of these conclusions? Explain.
 Following Fr. Gilger’s logic about Eloquentia Perfecta, how does your personal quest for Eloquentia Perfecta while engaging a “critical issue” lead you closer to truth?
 Drawing from your experience speaking about your “critical issue,” what do you need to do better to “communicate your convictions to the public”?
 How do you predict Eloquentia Perfecta will remain a part of your education at your University and after you leave it?
 How has your participation in Critical Issues in Human Inquiry and Communicating Critical Issues changed the way you think about (public) speaking?

These question prompts give you some choices about what you could write about. Your essay should not simply list the questions and answer them. Rather, you are to consider your experience learning and speaking about your “critical issue” and decide how you would like to reflect about Eloquentia Perfecta. OPTIONAL: Students may consult a recent publication of “Conversations (Links to an external site.)” for more information on Eloquentia Perfecta in Jesuit Education.

Essays should be thoughtful and, as much as possible, include specific examples from your class experiences to develop your points. Essays should include an introduction, body with main points, conclusion, proper transitions between parts of the essay, thoughtful organization, proper spelling, grammar and punctuation.

Final Reflection
Final Reflection
Criteria Ratings Pts
Introduction: Catches attention of reader, orients reader to the purpose of the essay and previews main points 4 pts
Body: Essay addresses three of the question prompts in a way that is not a simple listing of answers; main points give the reader a sense of what the author thinks about Eloquentia Perfecta as an important concept 10 pts
Conclusion: Summarizes the main points, and offers a concluding thought 4 pts
Organization: Essay is thoughtfully organized making it coherent to the reader; transitions between points are clear to the reader 5 pts
Essay is free from spelling, grammatical, and punctuation errors 4 pts
Total Points: 27

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