What is the responsibility, based on the Morrison and Baldwin documentaries, of the Black writer?

Using quotations from the Baldwin documentary—Soul DocumentaryLinks to an external site.—and one of the Baldwin essays I assigned, “A Talk to Teachers”Links to an external site. or “Letter from a Region in My Mind” Links to an external site.+ two independently-located secondary sources, choose one of these questions below to answer for Response Essay 2.

1. What is the responsibility, based on the Morrison and Baldwin documentaries, of the Black writer?

2. What would James Baldwin say is the problem of his generation?

3. How would Baldwin say a Black male becomes a Black man?

4. What does he do in his own life to become a man himself?

5. Based on the Baldwin documentary, what is the role of the Black church in the liberation of the Black community?

6. What do Baldwin and Giovanni say is the key challenge to Black romantic partnerships? How can this issue be reconciled?

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