Write a research paper that discusses a news story or social justice issue and makes reference to one or more particular religions.Select a news article that covers an issue of social justice and references one or more specific religions. In a 500 word essay, (1) summarize the findings of the news article, (2) discuss how or whether the journalist presents multiple perspectives, and (3) bring
the news article into conversation with one of the creative works covered so far in this course.
The article should be from a reputable news source and should be current (since 2015).
Grading will be out of 20 points, broken up as follows:
– Religion (5 points): specific knowledge of the religion(s) chosen for the assignment
– Social justice (5 points): understanding of the power dynamics of the specific social issue(s) chosen for the assignment
– Sources (5 points): appropriate sources are chosen and are cited properly
– Instructions (5 points): meets the assignment’s expectations for word count and responds to all components of the assignment’s prompt
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