Assignment #4 – Budgets (25 Points)
This week’s assignment centers round budgets. Over the last few weeks you have worked with mission statements and job descriptions. This week you will develop a personnel budget for the new outpatient coding section of the HIM department as discussed in your previous assignments.
In year’s past the hospital has contacted coding services out to Mega-Coders-R-Us. The contract with Mega-Coders is set to expire at the end of the current fiscal year. The hospital has determined to bring coding function back in-house. Your budget will thus be used to justify the number of FTEs needed for the outpatient coding section.
For the purpose of this assignment you may assume that the facility is paperless and operates a true electronic health record.
In FY 2012 Mega-Coders processed the following numbers of patient records for the facility:
-55,000 Outpatient Encounters
-13,000 Outpatient Surgeries
-29,000 Emergency Room Encounters
-11,800 Inpatient Admissions
Your budget will be made up of the following sections containing, at a minimum, the information listed below:
A. Hourly Personnel Justification for the Outpatient Coding section only
– Use this to determine how many FTE’s you are going to need to staff your section.
B. Chart of Accounts Numbering System
You can use any numbering system you wish. Must have at a minimum:
-Capital Expenses
C. Prepare a Personal Budget for a one year period for the outpatient coding section. Please denote, at a minimum, the following:
1. Account number
2. Position
3. Hourly Wage or Salary
4. Annual base income (based on a 40 hour week)
5. Benefits – calculated at 35% of employee’s annual base rate
6. Total Annual Salary/Benefits
You may set your budget up in a Word table or Excel Spreadsheet. Be aware that Excel does not allow for robust comments from the grader. If you submit in Excel you will receive a grade only. No comments will be made.
Nine points each will be assigned to sections A and C of the assignment.
Two ponts will be assigned to section B.
* Management Principles for Health Professionals, Sixth Edition Liebler & McConnell
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