Case Study, Journalism, mass media and communication

read Case Study 5, Not for Profit? The Voice of San Diego Experiment. DO NOT READ \”The Jury is Out: The Long Beach Post and Online Local News.\” It won\’t be necessary for this assignment. ( (). Then write a 350- to 500-word position paper on the question(s) below. Please write in Google docs and submit to Canvas via the assignment submission page.

Your paper must cite at least two references from the weeks textbook readings to support your arguments. (Each cite requires the authors last name and page number in parentheses at the end of the appropriate sentences). You are also encouraged to cite my lectures (add date in parentheses at end of cite), the case study material, (add page number at end) or earlier text book readings to support your arguments. Papers will be submitted by class time on Thursday. Ten writing assignments worth 10 points each are planned.

Grades will be based on the clarity and logic of your arguments and how well you support them with relevant citations, from current or previous readings and lectures.


NPR radio and PBS television receive government funding for their non-profit news operations under a special act of Congress passed in 1967.

Do you think that local accountability news websites, such as Voice of San Diego, should also qualify for government funding? Why or why not?

In your position paper, consider the following questions:

1) Using Kovach/Rosenstiel as your guide, how would you justify, or not justify, using government money for funding websites like VOSD?

2) What journalistic standards should websites like VOSD be held to in order to qualify for government funding?

3) How would you prevent Congress from controlling and/or influencing the editorial content of such websites while still holding them to those standards?

Jim D.

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