Describe why we think the giant nerve sheath tumors should be approached differently compared to small intradural tumors.

Introduction to spinal nerve sheath tumours, Neurobfibromas not necessarily Neuro fibromatosis (which is a separate genetic entity), schwanomas and ganglioneuroma – (should be quite brief).

In this paper we should focus on the particularities of giant spinal nerve

sheath tumors (their rarity in nature and in the literature and potential

surgical challenges posed by the giant tumors.

We should also answer the question “why we think this article is necessary to be out there”.

To describe why we think the giant nerve sheath tumors should be approached differently compared to small intradural tumors.

– Comments about dumbbell tumors – incidence from the literature,

degree of complete resections, natural history if not operated (or to

state if such is not available/has not been described/identified)

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