Discuss briefly how your non-academic discourse affects your participation in the academic world.

English 1010 is intended to help you become familiar with academic terminology, including “discourse community” and “academic discourse.” A discourse community is a group of people with common interests who communicate through particular terms and genres. In college, you will speak and write for different academic discourse communities, but your focus for this paper should be on conversations you have outside of school. Identify a non-academic discourse community you’re familiar with, and specify who uses the discourse and why. What subjects, genres, and content are most common in your chosen non-academic discourse? Discuss briefly how your non-academic discourse affects your participation in the academic world. For instance, quilters borrow patterns and fabric from others in their quilting community to create their own projects. This is similar to how academic writers gather and integrate sources to support their own ideas in a paper. You could use the similarity between quilters and academics to write an interesting paper. You may also find that people outside your quilting community don’t understand quilting terms and could write another interesting paper discussing the miscommunications.

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