Discuss the Challenges and Opportunities of Telemedicine in promoting patient care for developed countries

please use the references that I will attached

Instructions for Literature Review Project (25%)

Now that you have your proposal approved, you will need to work on the development of your literature review project. I would like your review project to be systematic, which will make it easier for you to write and describe.

You will be marked on a variety of rubrics such as logic, following instructions, comprehensiveness of the work, writing style, and overall impression of the instructor.

Abstract: 250 words

The abstract provides a summary of what you have done.

Aim: To evaluate the challenges and opportunities for ….

Methodology: The pubmed database was searched using the terms ______ and _____. We included only papers that were in English, relevant to Saudi Arabia or Arab world and excluded papers that were in Arabic and were focused on non-Saudi and non-Arab countries.

Results : We identified 20 papers among which 7 described opportunities and challenges relating to telemedicine. Of those 7 papers, three focused on _____, two focused on ______ and one paper focused on _____.

Conclusion: There are a number of opportunities and challenges…. (talk about your conclusions)

The Introduction (300 to 400 words)

In your introduction, try to start from the general to the specific. If your topic is telemedicine, talk about the history of telemedicine, how it is important to the developing world, how it is important to the Arab world and specifically, why it is important for Saudi Arabia. You need to have a very specific aim at the end of your introduction.

The (purpose, objective, or aim) of this project is to explore the challenges and opportunities……..

The Methodology (200-300 words)

[NOTE: The methodology section is a very important section. In this, you will tell me how you searched the literature, and discuss your inclusion and exclusion criteria in selecting your papers]

Here is a sample of a paper: you are not required to do this much work, but this gives you an idea. You can use the below as a template.

An electronic search was conducted in January 2014 for 1 month using PubMed, Google Scholar and local journals. The following keywords: “Heart”, “Cardiac”, “Congenital”, “Defect” and “Epidemiology”, “Prevalence”, “Incidence”, “Risk”, “Impact”, and “Saudi Arabia” were included. The articles included in the study were from Pubmed, written in English that describes or investigate the epidemiology, etiology, distribution, impact or burden of CHD in Saudi Arabia and published up to 2013. Treatment or interventional studies were excluded. The search identified 108 articles. Titles, abstracts and at a later stage full texts were reviewed independently by two researchers to identify articles that met the predefined inclusion criteria. After mutual consensus of two researchers 21 articles met the inclusion criteria with publication dates ranging from 1993 to 2013.

Results Section (500 words)

In this section, you will need to summarize your results about the opportunities or challenges you found based on the literature. You may want to develop themes, meaning, you may want to divide your talk about opportunities and challenges. For example, for opportunities for telemedicine, you may talk about the following: Reducing wait times, reduce travel time for patients, and improved healthcare outcomes. These can be three sections about the opportunities. You can do the same for the challenges. In the results section, talk about the different studies that talk about the opportunities’ and challenges. For example, Househ et al (2005) discuss the importance of telemedicine in saving lives.

In the results section, include a mini PRISM chart (you can google this to find out more information). Please include something like the figure below. This is a highlight of how you found your literature.

Also, I would like you to summarize your research results in a table as follows, you can modify and add things as you feel appropriate:

Study Sample Size (only if relevant) Study setting

Year of data collection Methodology Used Summary of Findings

Jaiyesimi el al., 19938 320 cases of CHD Hospital 1988-1991 Randomized Trial, Cohort, case study…(go to method section and type what is there.) Talk about the summary of the finding

Paper 2

Paper 3….. etc

Discussion Section (400-500 words)

In this section, summarize your findings and talk about your recommendations and future work.

Conclusion (100-150 words)

Develop a conclusion of your work. Summarize the entire paper and possible implications for Saudi Arabia.

References (APA OR MLA style, look them up online)





please use only the references that I will attached

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