Discuss which crisis management techniques might provide useful in addressing potent.

Session 13

Our management principles journey

•  Planning

•  Staffing

•  Communication

•  Teaming

•  Career Management

Learning object

•  Help you understand how to address issues and

•  Review trends that have the potent crises for businesses

•  Discuss which crisis management techniques might
provide useful in addressing potent

•  Reflect on the potent for your manager

Session 13: How

•  Address the ques that could generate crises in the next decade?

•  Discuss key customer, technology, and
workforce developments

•  Discuss the implication capability

•  Team discussion of what issues their managers
have shared

Business trends


Rise of the consumer

–  In tradition –  In retail/customer facing application

–  Big data: leveraging data to personalize service/processes
–  Communication •  Mission, ethics, and values market<ng
•  Fast spreading news or cri –  Business more readily taking lead on moral/ethical

–  On the horizon: innovate or die


–  Cyber security: what are companies doing?
–  Cloud-­‐based data risks

–  Intellectual property rights
–  Internet of things: omni-­‐channel, instant orders, greater

–  Connected world opens business opportunity<es
–  Transparency of information

–  On the horizon: converging networks

Workforce change and adaptation

–  Harves –  Increased need for skilled/educated labor

–  Millenials and Gen Z
•  Desire for tradition •  Understanding them as they become decision makers

–  Impact of technology on “how” we work (virtual, always

–  On the horizon: improving speed and efficiency of

Leadership implication trends


Vision, values, systems thinking

–  The purposeful organization –  Ability to define and ar vision

–  The ability to create stories that ma`er for employees and

–  Strategic thinking that constantly challenges execute on

–  High ethical values as a cornerstone

Customer centric

–  Create the experience
–  Predict experience standards

–  Customer first

Leading change

–  Change management

–  Guiding leaders/people through significant change

–  Skills in change management tailored to specific
environmental changes


–  Flexibility of thought processes, using both quan<ta<ve
and qualita

–  Dealing with ambiguity

–  Adap –  Ability to change and adapt faster than ever (individual
and company)

Culture and communica:ons

–  Focus on people: demonstra an integral part of what makes the organiza

–  Emo

–  “Culture eats strategy for breakfast” (Drucker)
–  Integra

–  Very open (and transparent) communica employees so they understand goals/ini<a

–  Communica

–  Ability to tell stories, to connect to the individual, for
important communica

Team Breakout

Your manager’s concerns
about poten


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