DMAIC (Analyze Phase) on McDonalds


(1) Differentiate the various relevant aspects of the situation and analyze the problem at the Blackbelt level using various tools of the Analyze Phase.

(2) Organize the appropriate information into a coherent report.

– Use the Analyze Report Outline provided.

– Be sure to use Topic Headings that correspond to the major topics.

(3) The report should contain all the necessary and sufficient aspects to completely analyze the problem.

– Create and include copies of various tools that were used i.e. (Gannt Charts, SIPOC Diagrams, Process Flow Charts, etc….)

– Provide discussion and explanation where appropriate and necessary.

– Include sources of documentation.

– Inculde examples of reports used to generate evidence and data.

(4) Upload the Report into the Case 3 Assignment. You may also upload supplemental documents into Additional Files (Case 3).

(5) The length of the paper should be as long as necessary to include all of the appropriate information.

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