english comp paper due 5 pm

You are researching and writing an essay on Arthur Miller’s play (1949).There are a few different ways you could approach the writing of this essay:In addition to or in place of the approaches described above, you might want to employ a formalist\’s approach to analyze and interpret the literary work you have chosen. You might consider the following questions and considerations:Once you decide on an approach and a topic:Be sure to maintain an appropriate academic tone (no slang, second-person, contractions, etc.)Your essay should be typed, double-spaced, in 12-point Times New Roman font, with one-inch margins, and numbered pages. Include your name, my name, the title of the class, and the date in the upper left hand corner of the first page. Center your title (you do not need to underline or italicize it) and place it above the body of the essay. Do not include a title page.

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