linkedin social network

In a network you currently participate in, or one you choose to join, write a 3–5 page paper addressing and evaluating the following questions:

•Is it a list serve, message board, blog, or another medium?
•What is the purpose or mission of this network?
•Under whose auspices does this network operate?
How does this network address the following:

•Identity: Is there any procedure in place to verify the identity of participants and their credentials?
•How are matters of confidentiality handled, both for the participants and any clients they discuss?
•What about informed consent?
•Are any procedures in place to protect intellectual property?
•How is conflict or diversity of opinion handled?
•What changes (if any) would you recommend to the operators and participants of this network to best address the above issues?
You will submit this assignment at the end of Unit 2.
Linkedin is the social network The above questions need to be addressed . The ones with bullets.
I will supply the attached articles

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