Native American and African Women in Early American History.Should men get most of the credit for early American history?Explain.

Using information from the introduction and chapter one of our textbook (Through Women’s Eyes) answer the following historical question: Should men get most of the credit for early American history?Essay should be 320words (minimum)

In their Introduction of our textbook Through Women’s Eyes, authors Ellen Carol DuBois and Lynn Dumenil write:

“…[W]e seek to fulfill Mary Beard’s vision of a text that covers the total range of the nation’s history, placing women — their experiences, contributions, and observations — at the center.” (TWE xxvii) Goal with this assignment is to address the following question: Should men get most of the credit for early American history?

Until fairly recently, writers of early American history focussed primarily on the actions of European males in the building of early colonial societies, though as your assigned reading and lecture material this week show, Native American and African women also shaped the building blocks of early American societies, both before and during the early stages of European colonial development.


1st, clarify the historical context using information textbook reading. What was going on at that time that helps us understand these documents?

2nd , choose a few “golden lines” from the documents, i.e. excerpt a few exact quotes to feature as evidence/illustrations in support of your analysis. Remember, quotes do not speak for themselves. The point here is not to strip mine your sources to make it look like your post is full of quoted material. Each quote you use should be fairly brief and in support of a specific point you are making (see below) with plenty of descriptive support from you.

3rd, analysis. Students are often unsure what ‘analysis’ means. It’s not the same as summarizing, i.e. repeating what was said in your own words. Instead, think of analysis as making the “invisible visible.” When you analyze a document you are teasing the historical meaning from the words you are reading, looking for clues, and making informed judgements, informed interpretations of what they mean.

4th, make it clean, make sure your post has clean and clear sentences. It should have no misspelled words or fractured grammar. No plagiarism and no outside sources, the only source is the textbook Through Women’s Eyes, authors Ellen Carol DuBois and Lynn Dumenil.

Essay should be 320words (minimum)

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