navigation hazard in kuwait bay

Last time you have written the background part of my project, now I want you to complete my project. I will send to you the content page and all the statistics numbers and graphs which I have completed it all just I want from you to write and explain every thing. Also I will send you an example for the same work, which is a last year report of another student.

This is my content that I want you to do:

1.0 Methodology:
1.1 Hypothesis:
2.0 Result:
2.1 Administration on marine rescue statistics:
2.1.1 Total collisions from 2005 to 2011:
2.1.2 Yearly collisions statistics:
2.2 Questionnaire result:
2.2.1 How long was your experience at sea, before you sailed by yourself?
2.2.2 What kind of Navigational devices you have onboard?
2.2.3 How safe is the sailing in Kuwait Bay?
2.2.4 If there is an issue in Kuwait Bay, who is responsible of this issue?
2.2.5 With regarding to the rules, what is the proper action in the following cases?
2.2.6 Identify the following:
3.0 Discussion:
3.1 Statistics discussion:
3.2 Questionnaire discussion:
3.3 Hypothesis discussion:
3.3.1 Ho1: There is no required for sailing license in Kuwait Bay.
3.3.2 Ho2: Kuwait Bay is not safe area for sailing.
3.3.3 Ho3: Mariners operating in Kuwait Bay will not know what to do in head to head situation.
3.3.4 Ho4: Mariners operating in Kuwait Bay will not know what to do in crossing situation (when they are on the port side of the other vessel).
3.3.5 Ho5: Mariners operating in Kuwait Bay will not know what to do in crossing situation (when they are on the starboard side of the other vessel).
3.3.6 Ho6: Mariners operating in Kuwait Bay will not know what to do in overtaking situation.
3.3.7 Ho7: Mariners operating in Kuwait Bay will not know the deferent between east cardinal buoy and west cardinal buoy.
3.3.8 Ho8: Mariners operating in Kuwait Bay cannot identify Restricted to manoeuver Vessel in night.
4.0 Recommendation:
4.1 Raise the boats coding regulations standard:
4.1.1 Recent regulations must to be improved:
4.1.2 New regulations must be added to the recent regulations:
4.2 Observe the renting points:
4.3 Utilization the media:
4.3.1 Vascularising Posters:
4.3.2 Vascularising Manual:
4.3.3 Advertising the (104) weather forecast number:
4.4 Providing personal sailing License:
5.0 Conclusion:
6.0 Acknowledges:
7.0 References:

In the example, I want you to write the same methodology in the example paper and correct the English.

My report is only force in the collision but the reason is the same as in the example paper.

In the discussion part, the hypothesis discussion I have already done the Chi squared test and I will send you the xsl sheet to see the answer for each one. Also I have done the tables for each test and I want you explain each table for example the sailor who have more than 4 years experience now how to avoid the situation in correct way.

In the recommendation part, use the same one in the example and look for new ones.

In the acknowledge part, also use the same one in the example just correct the English.

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