Processes of globalization are undermining the authority of nation states?Discuss


Due date: Wednesday Lecture, May 20, 2015 (week 8)

Word Limit = 1500

Processes of globalization are undermining the authority of nation states? What are the arguments that support this claim? What arguments/evidence suggest that nation-states still play an important role in our increasingly global order? (In your answer to these prompts you might think about the power of states relative to multi-national corporations and international institutions, and you might think about global flows of commodities, capital and labor and their regulation.)

To help you think about these questions, you should rely on the materials listed below and any other readings that you feel relevant. Please make sure to cite all the materials that you use.

From Week 7 of the Reader:

Ohmae, K. (2004). The end of the nation state. In Lechner, F. and J. Boli (eds.) The Globalization Reader. Blackwell: Malden, MA.

Strange, S. (2004). The declining authority of states. In Lechner, F. and J. Boli (eds.) The Globalization Reader. Blackwell: Malden, MA.

Mann, M. (1997). Has globalization ended the rise and rise of the nation-state? Review of International Political Economy 4:472-496.

And find under Assignment 2 on the class web-site:

Agnew, J. (2009) Globalization and Sovereignty. Lanham, MD: Roman and Littlefield. Chapter 1: Globalization and State Sovereignty. (Focus on material up to pp35.)

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