Read \”the dream of the Rood\” and \”Gawain\”

Question 1: Do you feel any sympathy for Grendel and his mother? Why or why not? (100 words)

Question 2: You have read two heroic stories, Beowulf and Sir Gawain. Which did you prefer and why? (100 words)

3.Describe the three sections of \”The Dream of the Rood.\” Your answer should have a minimum of 150 words.

4.The host\’s wife goes after Gawain and uses a great deal of rhetorical and argumentative skill to seduce him. To what extent would you describe the host\’s wife as a powerful or progressive female character? Your answer should have at least 150 words.
Read \”the dream of the Rood\” and \”Gawain\” The first question is about Beowulf.

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