Richard Branson and the Virgin Group

You are required to read the case on Richard Branson and the Virgin Group and do a report that answer the following questions : -1. Using appropriate academic models and concepts identify and discuss the chief internal and external factors that have influenced the Virgin Group and the strategies employed up to the time of the case. (30%)2. Critically assess whether, in your opinion, there was any evidence that Richard Branson and his group management team followed a consistent strategy or not in the major investments. If so, what sort of approach might it have been based upon, and what was the role of the Virgin head office function? (40%)3. Drawing on resources such as, update your audience on any new Virgin Group activities since the case, commenting on whether or not subsequent major investments fit in with your findings from Q2 above, or if there was any other strategic rationale. Conclude with recommendations on the future of the group. (30%)All References ( Academic Resources and Journals ) should be able to download or access from internet for review .

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