Scarce Medical Resources

Write a case analysis on the loaded case presentation (The Prisoner who Needed a Heart- page 455 – 469 0f the text book Intervention and Reflection Basic Issues in Medical Ethics by Ronald Munson, 8 Edition ).
1.First present the case as it happened in as much detail as possible(simple english).
2.Present an explanation of how you believe Aristotle (Virtue Ethics/Natural Law Ethics), Kant (Deontological Ethics), and Mill(Utilitarian Ethics) would decide in the case presented, no mater how it actually turned out. Think about how the case actually turned out and whether these three would say the actions taken were morally good or morally evil.
3.Present what you believe to be the most ehtically sound outcome for this case, regardless of how it actually happened, and why you think that. If you believe it was morally wrong, explain why. If it was morally right, explain why.
No cover page please, I need three three full pages.

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