Services Marketing Strategy for British Museum and Museum of London

For this assignment you are to write about services marketing strategies for two museums:

– British Museum

– Museum of London

You have to focus on “INTEGRATION” and “SERVICE MARKETING COMMUNICATION” for both museums.

You should maximum write around 700 words and Harvard referencing for references is a must (don’t only make use of websites, (online)books/journals would give extra marks).

You should make use of service marketing models, theories or charts to support your research and how the museums communicate etc.

You might firstly look at the 5 W’s for communication:

– Who is our target audience?

– What do we need to communicate and achieve?

– How should we communicate this?

– Where should we communicate this?

– When do communications need to take place?

How do they advertise/ do their marketing?

What kind of communication channels do they use?

How are the museums integrating themselves in the market?

Write me if there’s anything that needs explanation!

Best of luck

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