Strength Finder

After reading the book and taking the online Strengths Finder Profile, prepare a minimum three (3) page reflective essay with the following information:
1) In your own words, describe Buckingham and Clifton case for building and leveraging our unique strengths instead of spending time and energy focusing on fixing our weaknesses. Use quotes/citations from the text to amplify your key points.
2) Present a summary of the results of your Strengths Finder Profile and examples of how you believe your characteristics are consistent with the five signature themes identified in the profile. Conclude with a discussion of how this profile is or is not an accurate reflection of your strengths.
3) Conclude with a discussion of how you can use information in this book and your Strengths Finder Profile results in choosing your career or graduate school education after graduation AND learning to be consciously competent in maximizing your unique strengths in all areas of your life.

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