What is workforce planning at its most basic level?

SECTION 1: Assess Supply and Demand
Question 1

What is workforce planning at its most basic level?
Question 2

In your own words, explain why managers need to plan rather than react to environmental and business changes?
Question 3

What are the two types of business plan?
Question 4

What is the difference between the two plans? What is their connection with workforce planning?
Question 5

How can you scan the external environment?
Question 6

What information should you scan in an internal audit?
Question 7

Once you complete a scan of the internal and external data, what may you need to do in the case of a shortage?
Question 8

Explain why you would complete a skills gap analysis.
Question 9

What are the main differences between a performance gap and a skills gap?
Question 10

What is workforce diversity?
Question 11

List the different types of diversity that you may find in the workplace.
Question 12

Should you participate in training if you are not sure about discrimination?
Question 13

What is employment forecasting?
Question 14

What should your external consideration be when you are forecasting supply?
Question 15

What are the differences between supply and demand when you find either a shortage in staffing or a surplus in staffing?
Question 16

There are several different types of organisational structure. Which one should you have when you work in a dynamic industry and your ability to change quickly is the only way that you can achieve a competitive edge? Why?
Question 17

Where can you find information of demographics in your organisation?
Question 18

What can happen if you access files without permission.
Question 19

What is the importance of the ABS?
Question 20

Can economic trends assist you in making projections?
Question 21

What is the importance of reviewing staffing budgets?
Question 22

When you are considering costs, what costs could be hidden?

SECTION 2: Develop Workforce Objectives and Strategies

Question 1

How does becoming an employer of choice assist in offering sufficient benefits to attract employees?

Question 2

What does PRIDE mean?

Question 3

In your own words, write short definitions for the following words:

a. Redeployment

b. Redundancy

c. Triple Bottom Line

Question 4

Do you believe that exit interviews are a good method to use to identify reasons for high turnover?

Question 5

Staff are leaving at an unacceptable rate. In the exit interviews, they are complaining about the way they are treated by management. They are either micro managed or completely ignored.

What do you believe should be done about this problem? Make recommendations.

Question 6

Why is a skills audit beneficial to an organisation in the current economy in Australia?

Question 7

Do you believe that offering potential staff with an attractive work environment will assist in minimising some of the skills shortages? Discuss.

Question 8

List the strategies you can use to source skilled labour internally and externally.

Question 9

You have been asked to recruit a new engineer to maintain the organisations production robots. What methods would you recommend to be used to advertise the position? Why?

Question 10

What is the importance of a communication plan to workforce planning?

Question 11

Why is it important to obtain management support in workforce planning?

Question 12

Who should be part of the consultative process of the communication plan?

Question 13

What is the importance of making the goals measurable?

Question 14

Why is communication an important part of gaining agreement for objectives and targets?

Question 15

What is the importance of a contingency plan?

Question 16

What is the importance of the Business Continuity Plan?

SECTION 3: Implement Initiatives to Support Workforce Planning Objectives

Question 1

When obtaining support for new training, what does management need to know?

Question 2

Using the Global Dimensions of Performance in the Answer Assist below, demonstrate how you would train staff re-deployed from another branch of the business to another to ensure that the re-deployed staff can learn to close the gap in the legislation due to the move from Albury to Wodonga.

Question 3

In your own words, explain the table

Question 4

In your own words, explain your responsibilities as a leader and how those responsibilities will assist your workforce dealing with change using Lewin’s 3 step model.

Question 5

What is succession planning?

Question 6

What strategies can you use to assist in implementing succession planning?

Question 7

What is an Employer of Choice?

Question 8

What is the difference between EOC retention strategies and recruitment strategies?

SECTION 4: Monitor and Evaluate Workforce Trends
Question 1

What role does the exiting interview help with retention?

Question 2

What are some of the main causes why employees leave an organisation?

Question 3

Explain why the employee may leave because of management.

Question 4

What is engagement? How may it be stimulated?

Question 5

What labour supply trends can you assess in the external environment in regards to over and under supply?

Question 6

What is the state of labor trends and the dangers?

Question 7

What is an organizational climate and what does its process look at?

Question 8

What is the role of surveys?

Question 9

Explain the role of environmental scanning.

Question 10

What is the importance of reviewing government policy on labour and supply?

Question 11

What should you measure when you evaluate the effectiveness of change?

Question 12

How can you measure that effectiveness?

Question 1

It is not only an organizations internal circumstances that need to be taken into account when conducting workforce planning. Organizations also need to research and review current and predicted external labor supply data, demographic data and economic data. This will help organizations to forecast human resources supply.

How might organizations gather current information about labor supply relevant to their specific industry or skill requirements?

Question 2

What is the Skilled Occupation List?
Question 3

What does the term, workplace relations refer to? How can sound workplace relations management assist organizations in maintaining a skilled workforce?

You might need to conduct your own research to answer this question.

Question 4

What is labour demand forecasting? What is labour supply analysis?

Question 5

There are a number of methods which can be used to estimate future staffing requirements and determine what actions need to be taken when forecasts suggest that organisations will have a shortage or surplus of employees. Identify and explain three.

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