What kind of therapy or treatment is successful for depression people?

What kind of therapy or treatment is successful for depression people?

Cambridge college


What king of therapy or treatment are successful for depression people?
It has to be noted that depression is the feeling of challenges that are related with dejection and unhappiness. It is regarded as the main cause of disability internationally, hence, an inte Depression often contributes to suicide event, as the pain and loneliness, felt by an individual, often live him or her with suicide as the only way to recovery reaction of genetic weakness and ambiance aspects. Significantly, the primary entities that will be covered and clarified in this case are the contents of the topic, its relevance, definition of concepts and research question. Furthermore, the document tends to enumerate in detail on issues associated with that is known and what is known and my reasons for exploring the relationship surrounding depression.
Apparently the topic in the question enumerated on issues surrounding depression as a disease and the major steps that have been put into consideration so as to counter the daily increasing challenge to the society. Meredith &junggy (2012) enumerates that depression is a common mental disorder that causes individuals to undergo depression mood, loss of interest, low energy and poor concentration. Some of the symptoms of person felling depressed are felling anxious, loss of self- confidence and weariness and loss of energy. In the simple terms, depression can be perceived as the entity of felling sad.. Thus, the topic aims at enumerating to the reader the different treatment approaches that can be incorporated within the psychological sector, so as to counter the increasing trend of depression globally. The different treatment strategies in this case are medicine, aerobic exercise, therapy and counseling
Learning about disorder and the type of treatment that can be offered to a patient, so as to ascertain his or her recovery, is very essential. The relevance comes about because it is a mode of reducing the increasing rate of depression in the society and the international world as well. The other relevance of the topic is as a psychology student, I am preparing for my future career. Wernher et al (2014), entails that learning about psychology treatment helps students, talking psychology lessons, understand what needs to be initiated, so as to help their patients and their families in case they fall into such a situation. The topic is appropriated as it also acts as a reminder to psychologist proper and cost effective strategies that can be recommended to patients and their families. Fundamentally, the topic is a significant topic in general, as it brings out more meaning to the field of psychology, based on a modernized and health sector point of view.
The concepts that have to be incorporated so as to understand the contents of the type of depression treatment are:
a. Aerobic exercise- it is an approach designed to support patients work out via the means of running and closed cycle exercises, with the objective of assisting in countering depression in the world.

b. GermanIMPCT-it is a method of treating depression, where it acts as a strategy of improving the management of late-life depression by creating a path for evidence- base entity.

c. Medication- the method supports the approach of patients taking medicine so as to either decrease or completely counter depression as a disease in the world on the healthcare point of view.

When it comes to the issue of what is known about depression, a lot has been researched and evaluated to confirm its effects and causes. Depression symptoms are perceived to make a person feel helpless and to lose of appetite. Additionally, the other symptoms are: feeling angered. Self-loating and unexplained aches and pains. Depression often contributes to suicide event, as the pain and loneliness, felt by an individual, often live him or her with suicide as the only way to recovery. According to Robert & Peter (2014). Depression is twice as high among women as compare to their male counterparts. Thus, it is also known that the road map to recover is through medication, counseling and therapy sessions. Johnson, et al (2013) shows that what is not known about depression is the best mode treatment that can be utilize and be perceived as the most effective one. Furthermore, what is not known about depression is whether people can effectively identify between depression and sadness on the basis of symptoms and causes.
I am analyzing the relationship between what is known and what is not known about depression so as to enlighten reader readers and the society on a global platform on the reasons to further research on depression. Marsha et al (2011), Increasing research on depression will ensure that clarification is made about the relationship between what is known and what is not known about depression for a better future for depressed individuals and their families. The research question that can be explored and their families. The research question that can be explored so as to come up with a conclusion on the type of treatments that can be offered to depressed individuals are as follows:
1. What is depression and its effect in the society?Effect in the society? Depression to the feelings of severe unhappiness resulting from feeling of abject dejection and loneliness. It arises when there is a lot of turmoil and upheaval in an individual’s life. These emotions lead to serioussometimes fatal effects in society because, in extreme cases of depression, the effected person contemplates suicide and at times goes ahead with it.

2 .Methods of combating depression Include?
I. Aerobic exercises that will help keep the mind from concentrating on the depressing thoughts
II. Therapy and counseling sessions with trained professionals
III. Medication by use of anti- depressants and other professionals..

3 .Whichstrategies has been effective in countering depression? A combination of counseling, medication and exercises have been found to curb the feelings leading to depression
1.1 Overview
The primary entities that will be covered and clarified in this section are the background information, historical context, goal and objective of the study,research question, the topic’s relevant and the statement of the problem. Furthermore, the document tends to enumerate in detail on issue associated with that is known and that is not known and the rationale for exploring the relationship surrounding depression.
1.2 Background.
Depression is feeling of challenges that are related to dejection and unhappiness. It is regarded as the main cause of disability internationally, hence, an interaction of genetic weakness and ambiance aspects. Meredith and Junggi (2012) maintains that depression is a ommon mental disorder that causes individuals to undergo depression mood, loss of interest, low energy, and poor concentration. Some of the symptoms of a person feeling depressed are feeling of anxiety, loss of self-confidence, weariness and loss energy. In simple ters, depression can be perceived as the entity of feeling sad. Thus, the topic aims at enumerating the different treatment approaches that can be incorporated into the psychological sector, so as to counter the increasing trend of depression globally. The different treatment strategies, in this case, are medicine, aerobic exercise, therapy, and counseling.
The concepts that have to be incorporated so as to understand the contents of these types of depression treatment are:
a. Aerobic exercise- It is an approach designed to support patients work out via the means of running and closed cycle exercises, with the objective of assisting in countering depression in the world.
b. GermanIMpac -it is a method of treatment depression, where it acts as a strategy of
improving the management of late- life depression by creating a path for evidence – base entity
C. Medication- the method supports the approach of patients taking medicine so as to either decrease or completely counter depression as a disease in the world on the healthcare point of view.
These thee approaches together with counseling have been show to works best when applied to supplement each other. Knel and Dasary (2016) have shown to work the effectiveness of combined treatment in what they term as cognitive –behavior therapy (CTB). They maintain that CTB is based on the principle that “behavior is mediated through cognitive process” and the person thought define how he other or she perceives and acts in various situations. Thus, when an individual’s perception is irrational or inaccurate, CBT initiative would purpose to challenge and replace the cognition with more adaptive and realistic perception to reduce negative emotion. Besides, Kenell and Dasari say’s that CBT works by imparting behaviors that permit an individual to adapt better with the negative emotion. This combined therapy is effective in treating children and adolescent as well as adults suffering from depression (knell and Dasari,2016).
Consequently, McGilllivray and Evert (2014) have shown that group CBT intervention has a high potential for alleviating the symptoms of depression as well as stress among young generation with ASD.And the other hand, Strunk, et al. (2007) conducted a study on the competence of patients in performance of cognitive therapy CT) skills. Here, the components of CT included behavior activation, automatic thrught, and belief schema work. The study demonstrated that CT skills alleviated the risk of relapse following depression treatment (Strunk,) et al, 2007). These studies suggest a combination of different treatment strategies can work effectively in alleviating and treating depression and managing its symptoms.
1.3 Historical Context
When it comes to substantiating between the known and the unknown about depression, much research has been conducted, and the effects and causes of this diseaseappraised. For instance, it has been established that the symptoms of the depression tend to make a person feel helpless and to loss appetite. The other symptoms established are an individual feels angered, self-loathing and unexplained aches and pain. Depression often contributes to suicide evens; as the pain and loneliness felt by individual often leave him or her with suicide as the only way to recovery (marsha, et al; 2011). According Robert and peter (2014), depression is twice as high among women as compared to their male counterpart. Thus, it is also known that the road map to recovery is through medication, counseling and therapy sessions.
On the other hand, Johnson, et al. (2013 reveal that what is not known about depression is the best mode treatment can be utilize and be perceived as the most effective one. Furthermore, the literature has not disclosed whether people are able to identify effectively depression from sadness on the basis of symptoms and causes.
1.4 Rationale
The topic in the question enumerates on issues surrounding depression as a disease and the major steps that have been put into consideration so as counter the daily increasing challenge to the society.
Can be offered to a patients, so as to ascertain hi or her recovery, is very essential. The relevance comes about because it is a model of reducing the increasing rate of depression in the society and the international world as well. The topic is relevant to psychology student because it develops them for their future career. Wernher et al. (2014 maintained that the learning about psychology treatment helps students, taking psychology lessons, understand what need to be initiated so as to help their patients and their families in case they fall into such a situation. Psychologists of the appropriate and cost-effective strategies that can be recommended for patients and their families. Fundamentally, the topic is a significant overall as it brings out more meaning to the field of psychology base on a modernized and health sector point of view.
The analysis of the relationship between what is not known and what is not known about depression as a to enlighten readers and the society on the global platform on the reasons to further research on depression. According to Marssha et al. (2011, increasing research on depression will ensure that clarification is made about depression the relationship between what is known and what is not known about depression for a better future for depressed individuals and their families.
1.5 Goals and objectives
The aims and objectives of this study have been identified.
1.5.1 Research Goal
This study aims to enumerate type of therapy of treatment that is successful for people suffering from depression.
1.5.2. Study Objectives
Three specific research objectives were developed as shown below:
1: To establish the causes of depression? The major causes of depression are genetic abnormalities that are hereditary, medical illnesses, radical changes in life, loss of loved one, drug abuse and conflict with self and others.
3: To investigate different types of depression and their preventability.
Manic depression
Chronic depression
Bi-polar disorder
Psychotic depression
Situational depression
Some of the preventive measures for depression include cognitive Behavior Therapy. Cognitive therapy and Interpersonal Therapy The above two procedure are psychiatric methods in separation increases the probability of relapses. Therefore, it is better to use a combination of the three for optimum results.
1.5.3. Research question
The following research questions were develop to guide the study investigating the type of treatment that can be offered depressed individuals:
a. What are some of the most common social consequences of depression in terms of thefunctioning of society?Common social consequences of depression include
_Depression cause episodes of angry, emotional outbursts which undermine the cohesion of society.
_Withdrawal from people that reduces cooperation when the affected keep to themselves’.

b. How useful is aerobic exercise to protect against depression?Aerobic exercises are only partly useful in protecting against depression since there is no direct link between them.
c. What are some useful methods for preventing depression? Listed above, aerobic exercises, medication, an therapy are critical methods of preventing depression.
d. What types of psychotherapy are most effective in the treatment of depression?Some of the preventive measure for depression includes Cognitive Behavior Therapy, Cognitive therapy, and Interpersonal Therapy. The above two procedures are psychiatric methods while mood stabilizers can be administered to those affected by bipolar episodes. However, using the psychotherapy methods in separation increases the probability of relapses. Therefore, it is better to use a combination of the three for optimum results.
1.6 Population
The reach aims to find out effective treatment models for children, adolescents as well as adults who are suffering from depression.
1.7Problem Statement
Depression is very common internationally. Intense research has been conducted regarding this disease in ascertaining and evaluating its effects as well as its caused. Study have widely covered symptoms of depressions which includefeeling of helpless, loss of appetite, feelings of anger, self-loathing, unexplained aches and pains and increased events of suicide events. According to Robert and peter (2014), depression is twice as high among women as compare to their male counterpart. Finally, Studies have shown that the road map to recovery is trough medication, counseling and therapy session
However, previous literature about depression does not reveal the best mode of therapy that can be utilized effectively in treating the conditions (Jhnson, et al.,2013). Furthermore, it has not been ascertained whether individuals can effectively distinguish between depression and sadness on the basis of symptoms.These are the existing gap in the literature that this study sought to fill. The investigation aims to enumerate the kinds of approaches that can be assimilated into the psychological sphere so as to counter effectively the increasing trend of depression globally. Psychotherapies help with depression. Examples of this type of approach include interpersonal therapy and the problem-solving therapy. Brain stimulation therapies can also be used if the symptoms of depression do not reduce after the first two types of treatment. Brain stimulation therapies help relieve severe depression especially where the medications cannot be used or when the rapid response is essential. Other activities which are important during the treatment of depression and can also help prevent depression include frequent exercising and active interactions with family and friend.
Treatment of depression is trough medication or psychotherapy or both. If the two types of treatment do not work, then, electroconvulsive therapy and other therapy with stimulate the brain can used .Given that depression does not affect people, in some way, there is no exact treatment that is for all. Sometimes it might take trial and error to find the right treatment for patient. Medication used for depressions are antidepressants’ This time of medications help to improve the way the brain utilizes certain chemical that control mood .A patient might try different antidepressants to find the right one that can manage the symptoms with limited side effect.
Literature Review
a. What are some of the most common social consequences of depression in terms of the functioning of society? ?
Common social consequences of depression include. Depression cause episodes of angry, emotional outbursts which undermine the cohesion of society. Depression is a big mental disorder in older adult this problem can affect 9.3%people in all community to the age 75 years old or more, depression is one the most factor for suicide in the world
Depression may result in disorders such as isolation, anger, lack of concentration as well as emotional effects of low moods (Tracy, 2016). Individuals undergoing depression tend to isolate themselves from people and breakdown from family life; this has an influence on the society as it undermines its unity. Depression can be devastating and long-lasting if a person does not receive both medication and family support to reinforce the recovery process. It is a disorder that requires the attention of different people to help the affected recover quickly.
Increased risk of suicide is evident in depressed individuals compared to those who are healthy (Tracy, 2016). The likelihood of suicide not only applies to the youth but also to the elderly. Most of the depressed individuals often suffer from self-esteem related issues such as a feeling of worthlessness. The emotional feeling many results in both suicide and self-harm as the depressed tend to think that the two actions are the only way to end their pain and miserable lives (Tracy, 2016). Death significantly influences the community as it loses its valuable members who perform different roles aimed at society development and transformation.

B.How useful is aerobic exercise to protect against depression? ?
Aerobic exercises are only partly useful in protecting against depression since there is no direct link between them. The people supposed walking, running, machine, and duration number ofweek.. (2014) Aerobic
Regular aerobic exercise might help in overcoming the challenge of depression as an emotional problem. Stanton &Reaburn (2014) argues that continuous aerobic exercise can improve the low mood of people with both moderate and mild depression. At the same time, the activity can perform a reinforcement task in assisting individuals with severe depression recover. Aerobic exercise helps the blood circulation and the action of both chemicals and endorphins. The endorphin plays a particular purpose of decreasing the perception of pain, improves moods and boosts the natural immunity system of people (Tracy, 2016). The neither neurotransmitter nor epinephrine helps in improving moods through stimulation.
Many researchers agree that there are no clear guidelines on how intensely or frequent a person need to do aerobic exercise to treat depression. Stanton &Reaburn (2014) also indicate that depression treatment involves three times weekly aerobic exercise for a minimum period of nine weeks. Exercise also prove to be more effective in the long run compared to antidepressants. Patients who continuously exercise have a reduced chance of relapsing into depression regardless of their previous medication. Also, walking for half an hour daily for duration of five weeks expressively affect depression symptoms (Stanton &Reaburn, 2014).

C. What are some useful methods for preventing depression? ?
Listed above, aerobic exercises, medication, an therapy are critical methods of preventing depressionthem
The treatment of depression is possible through, medication, aerobic exercise, as well as both interpersonal and cognitive therapy. Medication includes the use of antidepressants prescribed by professionals. They effectively assist in relieving the depression symptoms. Health expert’s advice individuals who suffer from severe depression to take antidepressant medication as it helps improve their lives. Patients are also advised to employ the use of both counseling and medication in their recovery process (Wittink et al, 2010).
Continuous aerobic exercise is an excellent strategy for treating depression. Exercise influence the symptoms of depression such as the emotional effect of low mood. Regular exercise acts as a mood and an immunity booster in patients. However, many researchers support that determining the frequency, type, duration and intensity of the aerobic exercise is a challenge due to its heterogeneous nature (Stanton &Reaburn, 2014).
The cognitive behavior therapy is a healthy and efficient way of treating depression disorder. The treatment is based on the assumption that there exist a correlation between the mood and a trend of thought within a person (Craft &Perna, 2004). It argues that adverse dysfunctional thinking influence a physical state, sense of self, behavior and a person’s mood. The therapy aims at helping an individual to identify the negative trends of thoughts, evaluate them and come up with strategies for improved way of thinking.
Interpersonal therapy is recognized as counseling that is structured for a limited period. It has an aim of assisting depressed patients in recovering (Tracy, 2016). The treatment mainly deals with identifying and understanding the psychological symptoms like moods and how they react to the present challenges in the relationship. For instance, grief and loss of a loved one.
D. What types of psychotherapy are most effective in the treatment of depression?
Of the preventive measure for depression includes Cognitive Behavior Therapy, Cognitive therapy, and Interpersonal Therapy. The above two procedures are psychiatric methods while mood stabilizers can be administered to those affected by bipolar episodes. However, using the psychotherapy methods in separation increases the probability of relapses. Therefore, it is
better to use a combination of the three for optimum results.
Different people may employ diverse methods to treat depression. It is advisable not to overlook the cause as well as the stage of depression when establishing a suitable method of the disorder treatment. Mood stabilizers such as antidepressant medication are mainly administered to the patients with bipolar disorder. As a strategy to ensure optimum results for psychotherapy, the application of both cognitive behavior and interpersonal aspects is recommended (Craft &Perna, 2004). It ensures that all aspects associated with bothpsychosocial and psychological depression are put into consideration
During recovery process.

Psychotherapy should incorporate different methods of depression treatment to assist in understanding the ideas, behaviors and emotions contributing to the disorder (McMillan et al, 2010). A health expert is also capable of helping the patient in identifying the problem, restructuring their way of thinking, to assist them to attain self-control and happiness in life. Through the counseling process, the depressed individual learns how to use problem-solving skills to cope with life.

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