What was the initial cause and effect described in the article by Ciardiello?

While reading the attached article, fill out the attached worksheet. Try going into some detail in your answers to the questions. Paraphrase the author’s suggestions, finding, advice.

I will upload the article and the instructor to do this worksheet, and here the four question

1. What was the initial cause and effect described in the article by Ciardiello?

Cause: Adolescents have difficulty comprehending their textbooks.


2. Complete the following Cause and Effect scenarios.

A. Cause: Middle school teachers do not normally teach reading comprehension strategies.


B. Cause: Q Networks are constructed in two stages, guessing identity and asking scaffolded questions.


C. Cause:

Effect: Cumulating Event

3. Define the following words or phrases.

A. Text Structure:

B. Chain reaction:

C. Internal Connection question:

4. What is Ciardiello concluding lesson for teachers

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