Is really a problem to society? Analyse and discuss a perceived ‘social problem’.

Outline the nature of the social problem that you are discussing and the populist view of the problem it causes to society. You might describe some of the common conceptions that society holds.
Body of the essay
In this section you will look as a model that we might use to understand the phenomena. This might be a social model only, psychosocial model or psychological model (depending on the topic). In every instance you must include the social perspective. You will need to use the references that have been provided to you in the module guide in order to do this. You should use one or two more than this if possible.
Some things to consider:
If we examine the social problem that you have picked in this way what is at the heart of the issue? Is the child the problem or is the problem located in how the issue is constructed in society? Is it a combination of the two? Where do you think the problem lies and are there any potential resolutions available through practice or through changes to legislation? It might be that you don’t think that there are and you just write a very critical piece.
This is simply a summary of your argument and your conclusion (i.e. your answer to the question posed.

As always your work must be reference correctly using Harvard style citations and references at the end of the assignment.

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