Operations Mgt

Assume you have a book containing the rituals, plus the ingredients lists. The sex of the target determines which list you’ll use; there’s one for men, and a separate one for women. The first step is to choose the appropriate list, and check that you have everything on hand. One common ingredient on both lists is Eye of Newt (EoN). If you don’t have EoN but have Tongue of Cobra (ToC), then you can use that, but only if the target is male. Otherwise, you have to have all the ingredients on the list, with no substitutions allowed. If you don’t, then that’s the end of the procedure, at least for the time being. If you have all the ingredients, then check the phase of the Moon. If the subject is male, the Moon should be waxing (New Moon through the day before Full). If the subject is female, the Moon should be waning (Full Moon through the day before New). If the time of the month isn’t auspicious, then wait. Once the Moon is right, perform the ritual in either Latin or Greek, depending upon whether the target is male (Latin) or female (Greek). This is the end of the procedure. Good luck! Hint: The most efficient flowchart has two main paths, one for male and the other for female targets. HINTS: If you haven’t read and studied the Background information, stop right here. Don’t browse the Web looking for information about how to create a flowchart, until you’ve read and studied the sources in the module. The Case was designed with these sources in mind. They contain all the information you’ll need. You should reference and cite them, in accordance with the Writing Guide.You aren’t being asked to write an essay about flowcharting, but rather to draw a flowchart. If your Case write-up doesn’t contain a flowchart, then it’s incomplete.Despite 4 above, your Case should follow standard format, with a cover sheet and a brief discussion of the problem. Be sure to include references and citations.  Background ReadingLandeta, J. (2006). Current validity of the Delphi method in social sciences. Technological Forecasting and social change, 73(5): 467-482.Linstone, H. & Turoff, M. (2011). Delphi: A brief look backward and forward. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 78 (9); 1712-1719*Rensvold, R. (2014a). How to draw a process flowchart *Rensvold, R. (2014b). Delphi exercise example

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